Taking a break

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I am having a two week break from the D. :eek:
A few reasons:
  • I have an endocrinologist appointment in two weeks time and I have to be 'clean' for two weeks to have blood tests to get accurate results
  • I feel like I am used to the D. I need a break so that it is more effective when I return.
  • I need to test myself and see if I can manage on my own, as I feel like I may be getting dependent on the D.
  • My doctor will be more likely to allow me to continue if I have a break.
It feels like a good time for a break. Two weeks when I don't have any celebrations planned and before the end of year madness and stresses. If I need to I can go back on to the D to manage the crazy months of December and January. I think I can do almost anything for two weeks, longer may be difficult, but committing to two weeks is OK.

It is going to be difficult but I feel that I have developed good habits. My only real concern is that I will not have as much energy without the D.

I will keep writing in my blog as the support here is great and will help keep me on task.

I think I can still manage to lose weight, even though the last few weeks have been difficult. I will have to be more focused and determined.

Wish me luck. :)

Sharon xoxo
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I'm sure you will be fine you don't need luck Sharon, you have worked so hard for so long :) I'm excited to hear how much weight you lose while off the D.... Wishing you 2 weeks of good vibes and lots of energy.. I know you will continue to use fitness pal and your step counter have a great time and keep well ;)
Good luck, dear Smick! I am sure you will be doing great because you not only have become "dependent" on Duromine, but also on your healthy habits that is for sure. As for extra energy you are concerned about, maybe try out some foods and drinks that supply it.

Like: green (or fruit) tea with ginger and honey. I prefer fresh ginger root, grated and added directly to the bottle or pot. Both cold and hot versions do a great job. You can make a large bottle of it and take with you to add some energy later when you are at store or elsewhere for business. Bananas, apples, oranges, even yogurt too. Lentils, spinach, tomatoes, beans, sesame seeds, nuts or seeds, and raw or toasted oats, some healthy energy bars can do (just read the labels carefully). Surprisingly frozen fruit and veggies are sometimes fuller of nutrients than "fresh" greens are (if they had to travel far and thus are no actually fresh anymore).

It is great that you will keep posting here, because you have a great experience and users can learn a lot from you. Personally, I enjoy reading your posts everytime. Have a great week or better say two! ;)
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Hellooo my dearest Smick!!!

So glad you will be staying on I need your posts hun !!!

secondly, it is amazing how we need things to be taken from us to prove to ourselves how badly we want something, and to see how strong we really are, so all the best while you off D , YOU MIGHT JUST SURPRISE YOURSELF BIG TIME !

Please keep us posted with your thyroid result {please read my blog, I have just learnt something MORE ABOUT MY THYROID CONDITION , and it would be good for you to share this info with your doctor, as not all doctors are clued up with this info, or if they are, they never share the info with patients, no idea why }...Thinking of you, and will write to you over these next two trying weeks to see how you doing dear friend.. hugs and blessings to you .x

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