Thanks ladies for the refferal - MYFitnessPal

  • Author Lady_G
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi Everyone

Id like to THANK all the ladies on this forum for their advice, support and being so open and lastly for the info on MyFitnessPal :)

Everyone should log on and track their daily routines on eating healthy and exercising! It gives you great guidance on how to reach your desired weight in which time frame - Obviously with the help of D it will be reached a tad faster....Hopefuly:rolleyes:

This was my guideline based on today's eating and exercise plan
*You've earned 545 extra calories from exercise today
If every day were like today... You'd weigh 101.2 kg in 5 weeks (Im currently 109):eek: Im hoping the D will get it to under 100kg and maybe I'll work harder to get it to 95 at least.

I have to be honest and say my expectations were unrealistic and it was a bit disappointing having to face the reality that this weight wont come off so easy even with the help of D - Some people loose a great amount of weight and others not so much - I'll find out Monday 14 September 2015 what my progress is and update my Week 1 and Daily happenings.

:oops: I can see a slight difference in my waist line (Day3):laughing::p Dont wanna get too excited though and then get crushedo_O I have to say that reading all the blogs has certainly helped me become more realistic and open to accept whatever happens :)

If you have any valuable info that would be of assistance in my journey please share :laughing:
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I am excited for you can't wait to see your results on the 14th. I have been using my fitness pal from the beginning of my journey & it really keeps you on track. I had Hugh loss this week 5kg I don't expect the same for next week a loss is a loss no matter how big or small and it all counts to reaching your goal have a great week
WOW Shellyisme o_O - Im so happy for you (have to get over feeling jealous lol :p) 5kg's is a fantastic reward for your hard work! I'm extremely proud of women like yourself:laughing:!

I'm grateful for this platform and ladies being so open about their experiences its such a great motivation!

How are you coping with the calorie intake though - The Duromine suppresses my appetite so much that I force all my meals! So i never reach my cal goal. I'm suppose to do about 1900 to get an effective result but most of the time im ending between 800 to 900. I started tracking from yesterday and its helping so much so I've decided to add snacks with high cal intake so I can at least get between 1200 - 1300 but im so afraid that I wont be able to do this daily.

Any advice? It would be highly appreciated.:)
Hi my calorie intake per day is 1100cals I usually reach it I try and have small healthy snacks of almonds mixed with rice crackers or diet yogurt and fruit, berries and banana & a cup of chai tea if I need to add calories to reach my goal. Some days I to struggle to reach my calorie intake, I am staying away from high fat foods and no alcohol lol which does make me a little boring :rolleyes: however I like being in control so this works for me. I have lost 20kgs in total I need to lose another 20kgs to reach my goal weight. I need to start my exercise program soon I'm just managing the calorie intake first. I think planning your meals is a great stratergy I do this each week. It's about lifestyle change not dieting & that's what I am choosing to do. :) Have a great week wishing you a lighter scale :)
Hi Shellyisme :)

Thank you for the advice. I've heard so much about the chai tea. I'm definitely going to give it a go!

A huge Congrats on your loss of 20Kg I cried while reading your stories and look at me there I go my eyes are teary again! WOW, I'm lost for words. You went through so much and still manage to reach your first goal you set out got yourself! I've got so much joy in my heart for your success.

Thanks so much for telling your story. You will never know how much you're inspiring and motivating women like myself.

I'm going to be following your progress if you do not mind as it really encourages me so so so much!

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