The Beginning

  • Author mum on a mission
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
After Trying to lose weight for a while and having no success i went to my GP and talked about my concerns. At the end of the visit I walked out with a script for Duromine 30mg. Day 1 the lack of sleep and restlessness was horrible. Day 2 went well and i was surprised how I was not hungry at all. Day 3 I had so much energy today I acheived allot of jobs around the house. Day 4 (today) I am up at this hour as my mouth and lips are so dry. I obviously did not drink enough today. I will make sure this does not happen again as I just cannot get to sleep. I will try to update this regularly as to keep me honest and accountable as I really want this to work. I go to bootcamp 4 mornings a week at 6am and push myself but my weight is stubborn and won't run away.
SW = 94kg
GW = 68kg

26 KG to go


Welcome Mum on a mission!
It seems your body is getting used to new style. I wish you good luck and no side effects.

Blog entry information

mum on a mission
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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