The new girl

  • Author 10th time lucky
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So this would be about the 10th different form of weight loss I have tried. And you guessed it, to date nothing has worked. Im not going to blame the programs, I'm going to blame ME! After all, I'm the one who lost interest and lacked self control, right? So here I am trying duromine, with all hope that it will work and that I can motivate myself enought to see it through!! (I also really don't want to have the gastric banding surgery)

So yesterday was my first day. I felt great :) no headaches, no dry mouth and lots of energy. I had half a banana for breakfast,2 cups of peppermint tea for lunch (no sugar! Where as usually I have 2.5 to 4 sugars in my tea/coffee) and a small garden salad with a poached egg for dinner!! And the best part, I didn't even feel hungry and wasn't craving my usual after dinner chocolate/cake/sugary tea etc......

Fell asleep about 11.30, woke up at 4.30 and felt pretty well rested.
So day 1 down and I feel it went well :)

Day 2:
Took my D at 8.30 and got stuck into the house work. Went to the gym, (I joined 2 days ago) but they r not opened on Sunday's. Very disappointed, but hope to go to the pump class tomorrow morning.
Protein shake for breakfast and that has really filled me up. A day of house work I think!!

I have told myself that I won't be obsessed with the scales and weighing myself every few days, as I think that is what contributed to me not succeeding before.
I see my doctor in a mth and he will weight me again, so I will just wait until then :)

My stats:
178cm tall
Goal weight: 75-80kg

Will try and post daily and hope to make some new friends on here :) good luck everyone and try and stay motivated, even through the tough times.


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10th time lucky
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2 min read
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