The start - day 1

  • Author Givingitago
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
At heaviest: 75kg
Starting weight: 73.2kg
Goal weight: 60kg
Mini goal: 70kg by April 1

Not quite sure how to start this but I discovered this forum the day before I decided to try duromine.

I would like to think i am usually relatively fit exercising 5-6 times a week. However, in the last 2 years with a increasingly demanding job, going back to studying and a new relationship the time spent on exercising has not been as consistent. I then had quite a bit of injuries last year (probably from the impact of running at this weight) which means the time I do exercise is now limited to low impact activities.

With a weight gain of 15 kgs in around 2 years and now newly engaged (and my fiancee wants a very short engagement) I went to see my GP for another reason but as a side joke asked for a 'miracle' cure for weight loss.

I didn't actually expect an answer as I know weight loss is about healthy lifestyle but when she mentioned duromine I thought i would look into it. I got the prescription with the intention of doing my homework first and not necessarily taking it. (ps. my fiancee is blatantly against me taking any sort of weight loss pills but will let him know eventually that I have started. First I want to take note of side effects if any).

After reading a few articles (good and bad) I decided to take the plunge the next morning.

After taking the first pill:
I didn't initially feel any differently so I grabbed a coffee. (A small one just in case). After about 30 minutes my energy levels were way up, my mind felt very clear but just that I was talking a little faster than usual. Before I knew it, it was 1pm and I hadn't even felt hungry. However, i did go and grab sashimi and small nigiri for lunch.

That night I had a late class so i didn't get to eat until about 10pm. Again, I wasn't that hungry but because I knew I had to eat I had a spoonful of mashed potato and some cauliflower soup.

That night, as expected, I could not get to sleep. I think I eventually got to sleep at 4am.


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2 min read
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