The start

  • Author TheOriginalBeauty
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I am finally brave enough to try duromine. I am scared but I know I have nothing to lose (but the weight!) I have read all these horror stories online which has held me back from trying duromine. I have 2 daughters I want to be healthy for, that I need to be alive for. My starting weight at the beginning of the year was 102.5 kilos, I now weigh 91.2 kilos. I am not happy with my weight and I hate that I look pregnant. My weight is now showing on my stomach, it doesn't help that I am short. My first goal is to lose 5 kilos, I will keep to making small goals. I can do this, my life is depending on this.
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You can do it! achieve and push for the small goals, and week by week, you will get more confident and crush the weight, and leave it behind. this blog is awesome to keep all of us motivated!
I need all the support I can get. I'm telling no one I'm taking this, because it is a personal journey. My first goal is to get under 90 kilos!!! Small goals all the way that way we do not overwhelm ourselves!!!
Let's support each other. I also am not telling everyone. I have only told a few close people incase I go a little crazy, everyone else doesn't need to know.
Great idea with the small goals do u have a reward system also?
What mg duromine are you on? I'm not really feeling hungry but i also don't get a full feeling either.

Keep up the great work. Will be worth it in the end.
I think that's an amazing idea. It is such a personal choice we do not need others influencing us with what to do or not to do. I do not yet have a reward chart in place but maybe I should think about doing one? I'm on 15mg how about you? I'm not hungry, and i'm not full either...just inbetween. It's a weird feeling!!!
My Doc put me straight on 30 mg tablets. So far no unmanageable side effects. I have friend that can lose weight very easily and it's never been a struggle. So I guess I don't want them to have the opportunity to be critical of my decision. Thankful that my partner is very supportive. Not that he cares I'm fat, more so wants me to be happy in my skin again.
I know I would do horrible if I was put straight onto 30. I am frustrated with the 430am wake ups and physically crashing around 2pm? We all have that friend, but they may not do that? I think apart of me was ashamed as well. I was scared people would see it as a sign I was taking the "easy" way out. My hubhy is the same, he loves me how ever I am. How luck are we?

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