The start...

  • Author Mardi Burger
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I have been going to the Gym and tried eating better for a while but have't been able to loose weight or have a period (TMI), and my GP basically told me that I won't lose weight till my hormones are balanced and my hormones won't balance till I lose weight. So he sent me to a gynecologist, who put me on hormone treatments and 30mg of Duromine.

I took my first Duromine this morning along with my thyroid and hormone treatments at 6am and then went to the Gym, after 10 minutes of working out I almost barfed. I had to sit for a good 5 minutes before I could continue.

I will not weigh myself till next week. A member told me to get an multi vitamin, which I will do today.

I am not sure what my eating plans are for the day But I am thinking of some cereal and fat free milk for around 9am and then maybe a meal-replacement shake blended with banana and strawberries and tonight I will most probably have another shake. I don't really like cooking to much as a busy student. So what do you guys think I should have. I hate most veggies and tomato. So only perhaps a green salad?

Thanks for reading. Would love some advice.


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Mardi Burger
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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