Things aren't always as they seem.

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So my story

I am a 36 year old mom of 2. I was relatively chubby little girl until puberty. Over summer holiday i just dropped all the weight and maintained 48 kg until my first pregnancy. I was super active ate well, lived a very healthy life. After baby number i drop the baby weight within weeks and for the next 5 years maintained 51kg. When I fell pregnant with my son things took a turn..... No i didn’t pick up excessive weight, but in my first trimester I lost 6 kg. You guessed it. Gestational Hyperthyroidism. Now I am sure any pregnant woman knows that even a healthy pregnancy is scary, so imagine the feeling of climbing on the scale at OBGYN and seeing a weight drop with every visit. Went to see a nutritionist and I was now consuming between 4000-5000 calories a day. Passing out at the strangest times constantly eating and hoping that all would be fine. I was not allowed any form of exercise. I spent the next few months being tormented and bullied by well larger women. How selfish i was for need feeding the baby growing inside me. How my behaviour was nothing other than unadulterated vanity. People who had no idea what my story was, was shaming me. My son was lying breech up until the end and I unfortunately I had to have c-section. Climbed on the scale and I had gained 4kgs. Was still 2kgs lighter than before I feel pregnant. My son was born on Thursday and on discharge the Sunday I only weighed 42kgs and couldn’t breastfeed.....More shaming. I was accused of having tummy tuck on the operating table amongst other things.

My doctors suggested I wait it out and let my body adjust to before pregnancy levels. So I did just that I waited and just ignored the abuse and hoped for the best. When my son turned 6 I collapsed and was rushed to hospital. My body is eating itself. Finally the doctor gave me some medication, and within months I had put on the weight and was finally allowed to train again. But fear made sure I didn’t change my eating habits. So I just ballooned,(wrong dose given by doctor) so once again I was being bullied and destroyed by the same people who thought I was too skinny. I had the training cased so now it was time to change my eating habits. 2 months in back in hospital, no I hadn’t lost weight (phew) anaphylactic shock. The only thing I am allergic to is Asprin and I hadn’t taken any. Or so I thought. I saturated my system with a natural source of asprin found guess where....Vegetables.

It’s been months of no training eating whatever I want and my starting weight of 68 kilos is the heaviest I’ve ever been including my 2 pregnancies. Going on Duromine is a decision I’ve made....whether for reason of vanity, whether it be shut the mouths of all the people who gave me grief or to just to be healthy is my choice and no one else’s business. I have chosen to do something and not wait for the day I am classified as obese.


Hi Cutie, I've started my weight loss journey this week. I've been reading up on other people experiences. I must say your story got to me and I nearly shed a tear.
I have 1 daughter and I had a healthly pregnancy. Only the doctors and nurses kept calling me an old mother! Funny I didn't feel old at 38. Because I was "old" I had lots of extra tests during this time ( all was normal). This made me panic every day. Is every thing ok, am I doing all the right things, did I feel the baby move today, how many times. I believe this is why I only have 1 child. I couldn't go though that again.
I can't imagine how you must of felt during your 2nd pregnancy. It's even harder when other people's words are hurtful whether they ment to or not.
It's great your doing something for yourself. Only you know what's best for you. Never forget you are strong on the inside. Your strength has got you this far already. Put yourself first because no one else will.
People can be horrible sometimes. Things get said out of jealousy. The fact you lost weight due to medical issues does not stop people from being jealous or even well meaning people saying things and not realising the impact it can have.
When I was under weight from a teenager to the age of 38 I was accused of being anarexic and not eating or starving myself. This was not the case as I ate anything I wanted all the time. Now I'm over weight same thing. You should loose weight, stop eating so much or most hurtful of all " congratulations, when are you due?".
I don't know who these people are saying these toxic things to you. Over time I learnt the art of not giving a fuck! Sorry for the language. I got rid of these people in my life except family and work colleges that you can't avoid. So when people say negitive and hurtful things I take a step back and encourage myself on the inside. Probably why I love animals more than people. Lol.
Stay strong cutie I wish you the best of luck. Remenber you have 2 beautiful kids to take care of. Happy Mum = Happy kids.
Hi Emma..... I've been inundated with workand only logged on right now. My profuse apologies for not responding sooner... Felt a bit sick that you might have thought I ignored you. Thank you so much for the kind words. Good to know we aren't alone in ti's world. I'm glad baby is healthy apart from your struggle. Good luck on your journey. I'm rooting for you.

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