This is me on Duromine

  • Author mamma25
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
I received my script 2 weeks ago, but due to the cost I have had to wait until this week to buy my meds. Yesterday was day 1, because I was super excited to take my pill, after I received it at 12pm lunch time, I took it even thou not recommended right.
My first day was great, I felt jiddy, and excited, happy and awake! the eating side of things was okay, I mean I still felt hungry but that was all good, I just watched what I ate etc: I slept well like a baby in fact.

Day 2 feeling the side affects a lot, dry mouth - so weird... was very energetic, and then crash by 6pm, feeling very tired and the time now is 10:14pm I could easily head off to bed for a sleep however I still have assessments I need to complete for school. Eating no so bad, didn't feel hungry at lunch time but I ate anyway because I don't want to stave my body and cause it is store fat for energy. No exercise or training as of yet, I have a pretty busy life at the moment, and I am still finding my routine with having 5 kids starting back up at school, and having to deal with all their after-school activities and being in full time study as well I know the best time for me to exercise is early morning say 5am, but before starting duromine I had next to no energy...
my aim is to start off easy by Friday - today is now Tuesday.

I'm short think about 158cm and 2 weeks ago at the doctors I weighted in at 108kg
Ive always been big from my teenage years right up until now. The biggest I have been is 138kg that was 9 years ago. I lost that weight by keeping myself busy hardly eating and probably stressing out.
2 years ago I was 122kg, started up at the gym and lost 22kg
But then life creeps up on you and gets in the way, and slowly over 2 years i put on 13kg, managed to lose 5kg, but it just goes up and down up and down.

I went and saw my doctors because I just felt that I needed help, thought that this might give me a good start. My aim in to do 3 months worth of duromine, with a healthy eating plan, which I know all about (just not that easy sometimes for me to follow) and a routine set up for the gym etc:
I don't really have a magic goal number of weight that I want to get down to, its more like a size eg: I would like to be a 12 bottom and 10 top, at the moment I am more like a 20 bottom and 18 top. so if that means I'd be 70kg or 60kg then so be it, I usually do a lot of weight training and circuit training - which is your mixture of cardio and weights, and we all know muscle is heavier than fat.

Ideally I want to run around with my children, I have very active healthy children who are actively involved in club sports.
I would like to complete a few fun runs with year 2015, and perhaps some mud runs like Miss Muddy.
I am doing this for me, because it is about time I finish what I started many years ago.

This is my space to jot down my experience with Duromine, please feel free to reply to me, other than that, I shall be back in a few days or so


Hi Mumma25
I know how hard it is to find time for yourself when you have kids. Mine are almost all grown and I am only now finding time for me.
I too find that exercise first thing, before everyone else has woken, is the way to go. At least then it is done and anything extra I find to do during the day is a bonus.
I look forward to seeing your progress. The people on this site are very helpful and supportive so don't be shy. Ask questions and don't feel silly if you fall off the wagon, we have all done it and this is a great place to help you get back on. Keep blogging, it is a wonderful motivator.
Sharon xoxo
Hi Sharon, thanks for your encouragement :)

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