Thrilled!! - Silly Season weight LOSS

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I am very happy that I managed to lose ANYTHING over the holiday break.
With Christmas, New Year and my birthday to contend with it was always going to be a difficult two weeks. We also went away for a week to Phillip Island, so there were a lot of restaurant meals and general out of routine life.
It had been a while since I have stepped on a scale and when I did I was disappointed as I thought I had put on, BUT, when I checked my records, I was excited to see that I have, in fact, managed a small loss. Yay me! :laughing:
Our holiday was pretty active. We took the bikes and walked a lot as well. Every day we walked into the main street, along the beach, and back to our house. A round trip of about 6 km. We also biked to get our groceries if it was not too big a shop. NYE we visited friends who were staying about 5 km away, so we biked over. I only had 1 glass of bubbly at midnight (I have really gone off alcohol :confused:) then at 1:30 am biked home. So one of the first things I did in 2015 was exercise. Great way to start.
Have started an exercise program (Kayla Itsines - look it up, it is brutal!) so that when I finally am rid of all of the fat there is some muscle definition to show off. Day 1 was yesterday and OMG am I sore today. From my waist down (it was leg day) everything aches, but it is a good ache.
Had to do 'progress pictures' and they ask you to do them every four weeks. I wish I had done this when I started on my weight loss. Would so love to have a comparison, but I would never have consented to take a picture back then. I'm excited to see how my body changes.
It is only because of my weight loss that I am even able to contemplate embarking on this kind of exercise regime. 30 kgs ago I would not have been able to do any of the exercises. Even now I have to modify some, but I am confident that I will conquer them soon enough. I cannot do a regular sit up ATM but I will do modified ones until I can strengthen my abs enough to do them.
I hope that everyone is starting the New Year with enthusiasm.
Sharon xoxo

Week 28/29 (Christmas/New Year/My Birthday): - 0.3 kg !!!
Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 88.6 kg (-28.4)
Healthy Weight Range: 58-72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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Congrats on your loss sharon sounds like you had a very active holiday which is fantastic. I have lost the plot over New Years however I am back on track with the food now & will commence my exercise plan tomorrow. I start back at work tomorrow also ... I will be up early to exercise before work I like to start my day that way .. Have a fantastic week :)
Shelly, being back at work will help heaps. Routine is a big plus for me. Lack of routine can mean I neglect to exercise or have meals at odd times.
I thought I had lost the plot over the holidays too. I really did not pay a lot of attention to how much I was eating and ate a lot of things I would usually not allow myself BUT, I think my new habits kept me in check. I found it easy to eat a small portion and not the whole thing. I stopped if I felt I had enough. I drank heaps of water and not a lot of alcohol. Exercise is now a part of my day.
+1 Happy B-Day Sharon! Better late than never))) :laughing::laughing::laughing:
I admire you! Exercises on holidays WOW, plus weight loss! It is huge!
Good job darling and thank you for posting your experience so that other ladies and gents can see than everything is possible. Motivation! Keep going in this direction, I imagine how your family is amazed by your results.
Thanks Kate.
Yep. Hubby is pretty proud of me.
Gave me $$$ for my birthday to purchase new clothes. For Christmas gave me some gym equipment I needed, a medicine ball and some boxing gloves with mitts.
Mmmm a medicine ball <3 <3 <3 you can do so many exercises with it
I own a fitness ball it saves my back every evening))
You're lucky to have such a hubby!
Happy B-Day first of all!!!!!:laughing:

We'll it is a new year and soon you will be at you goal weight and look back at this thinking I did it I lost it all...;)

You'll remember what hard work it was.
I've decided to take a picture of myself each month and put it on my refrigerator to remind myself how far I've come and what hard work it was and to not fall back into old habbits lol.

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