Two challenges overcome

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
This week I tackled two things that have been scaring me.
1. A day without Duromine
2. A day doing my own meal planning (no Lite'n'Easy)

I am happy to report, I was successful with both.

I have been worried about having to have some time out from D as I have only 5 weeks left and then I have to stop so I can have two weeks off to get it out of my system and have some blood tests. I challenged myself to have a day off here and there to see how I go. I felt OK and had no problems limiting my food for one day. I know two weeks is a lot different but having one good day has given me confidence. I may talk to my doctor next week and bring it forward, depending on my ultrasound (thyroid) results.


Thus far, my food for everything other than dinner has been supplied by Lite'n'Easy. So I have not had to make any food decisions other than picking breakfast A or B and lunch A or B. I put it all in my lunch box and that is what I can eat. This week I only ordered 5 days instead of seven so that I will have to do my own thinking as well as swapping out bread products for gluten free choices. My first day off went really well. I am so used to the L&E that I know how much a serve should be and I also have several options that come to mind immediately. e.g.. Breakfast can consist of choices from: an egg, GF toast, GF raisin toast with butter, yoghurt, oats, a fruit cup, baked beans. I know my portions and find that I can easily stop at one slice of toast and not eat 4!! (I know!!!).

The whole idea with me using D is not just a quick fix that when I am no longer on it I go back to bad habits. It is about educating myself and developing good habits that I can follow through with long term. The threat that I may not be able to stay on D has really scared me into making sure I learn those lessons.
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Well done I have been off D since Tuesday it's now Saturday I really haven't had any issues... I'm sticking to the 1000 cals a day...big test will be tomorrow when I weigh in. Like you Sharon I'm using D to get control back .... I know I can't take it forever... And it really does work :) it's amazing how it takes the focus off food that is fantastic for use to rule my life.... Well back on D on Monday for me ...have a great week :)
well done ,I too am striving to be free of my bad habits and ignoring my body and and what it needs ,and how much of it, it needs,I think all three of us are on the right track and have the right mindset, and what helps me too, is knowing I am not alone in this fight ,and hearing how you are all progressing and coping without D is gr8 for me,when it comes to my turn to stop taking it and relying on my own will power and mindset ,and what my body needs ,not my mind or body ,desires ..You both have inspired me so much over the past 4 and half weeks thank you Smick and Shellyisme..have super weekend , may you both have awesome results next week ..

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