
  • Author Smick
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Do you take any supplements?
If so, which ones?
I have never been a pill taker (even though I work in pharmacy). I have always been of the belief that if you have a balanced diet, you should get all of your nutrients from food
Since I have been off the D, my energy levels have been lower.
I think they will get better, it is just that I have come off the D and I am having a temporary lull in energy.
I am wondering if anyone takes vitamins and if they help.
My blood work taken when I started on the D indicated that my iron levels were good and vitamin D was OK. So no need for Iron or vit. D.
It is my lack of energy though that I am trying to challenge.

My daughter is on a cocktail of vitamins ATM. She has a liver condition and the naturopath and GP has her on:
1x Vitamin D
1x Iron with C
2x probiotics
1x women's multi (with iodine)
3x Digestive enzymes (one before each meal)
1x CoQ10
2x Liver Detox (milk thistle)
She has a pill box like an old woman and she is only 19!
She is adamant that since taking them she has felt heaps better

I'm thinking I would benefit from CoQ10 (energy production), B complex (energy again) or a women's multi that is high in B vitamins with added iodine (thyroid support). Naturopath also says that everyone benefits from probiotics.

Again, I am not a great pill taker. Even if I am feeling the benefits I usually only keep it up for a couple of weeks. Lucky I get a discount.:p


I was just talking to my hubby about this very thing. I am going to get me some multi vitamins today and some probiotics. I am hoping that this will help with my gut infection and the multi for energy.
I have a friend that does Neways. I might speak with her however I am very skeptical of their products. Massive price tag for what potentially could be snake oil.
I am the same though I take it for a week or so then stop. Must make a effort to stick to them this time lol.
Hi Sharon currently I'm not taking anything as the 15 mg D seem to give me more than enough energy, however I usually take complex vit B and evening primrose as they help with my stress levels and give me energy :) how's your week going?
Hi Shelly,
Yes. I'm thinking a B complex or a women's Multi that is high in B vitamins and has iodine for thyroid support.
I have had a very interesting week.
My energy levels have been a bit lower and the past two weeks I have found that I am eating a little more, but I am not gaining and should still have small losses.
I finally went to the endocrinologist yesterday and had a very informative discussion that has given me much to think about re: Duromine, Thyroid meds or other options. My thyroid levels do not require thyroxine but he has given me a script as he says it should help with my energy levels.
More about that when I have time to write though.
Have to get ready for work.
Fantastic Sharon able to eat a little more and not gain & still have small loses is great :) is it still ok for you to use D at Christmas to help you get through that crazy time if you need it? ....well your doing fantastic your still motivated which is very important to continue your journey, with or with out D ok let me know if your energy level levels pick up enjoy the rest of your week x
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Yep. Can still use D. :p
He also explained all the other (drug) options as well as D. Pros and cons.
D works well (as we know) but is limited as it becomes less effective over time. That is why it is usually only prescribed 3 months. What I did not know is that each time you use it it is less effective. So 3 months in D then you need a year break. Then you have it again. You may need a higher dose.
Thyroxine may help increase my metabolism. There was a drug that stops the body absorbing fat but he said he didn't want me to hate him as the side effects (oily anal leakage) can be nasty.
Another option he wants me to consider is Victoza. This is a diabetes drug that is being used for weight loss. It stops you feeling hungry. Down sides. It is expensive $170+ a month and you have to inject daily with a pen.
So... I will probably try thyroxine combined with the remainder of my D (I have about 5 weeks of tablets that I can stretch to 8) over the silly season and try to lose as much as possible. Then consider the Victoza in Feb when I go back to see him and after I have had a raft of blood tests.
Mmmmmm interesting information ... I didn't know about the D being less effective... Not sure if I could inject myself ... Do you have diabetes ...if not will Victoria mess with your own insulin which is regulated in your body ??? The thyroxine should definately speed up your's hoping that 8 weeks of D will assist you to be a lot closer to your goal... I'm struggling to get under 90 kg I so want to be in the 80's again ;)
I'm not too sure about the Victoza.
My research keeps coming up with risk of thyroid tumor because tests in rats show increase in thyroid tumors. Will have to speak to the specialist. His area is thyroid so he should know the risks and I'm sure he would not have suggested it if there was a contra indication.
As for the injection. It is not insulin. It can be used in conjunction with insulin for diabetics. It can be used in people at risk of diabetes to try to stop it developing. It is not delivered in a traditional syringe. The delivery is a pen like system that you dial your dose then click the end and it fires it in. Supposed to be easier and less painful than a finger prick test.
I still have 3 months to think about it and have to do a heap of blood tests before I can to see if I am a candidate. I may not even be suitable. It gives me heaps of time to research and work out what questions to present to the specialist when I go back. I will ask my GP what he thinks too.

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