Wardrobe cleanout

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Today, as a part of my spring cleaning binge, I tackled my dreaded walk in robe.
The floor in there was almost a meter deep with stuff.
Slowly but surely I cleaned and sorted and tossed.
12 large garbage bags full later (plus assorted stuff that would not fit in garbage bags without piercing holes) I was done.
I could not believe the stuff I have been holding on to in the hope that one day I would fit back into it.
The truth..... Some of that stuff is 15 or 20 years old!!!!
Now that I am losing weight I am not going to put any of that nasty, out of date, OMG what was I thinking buying THAT, horrible stuff on.
For some reason I had a huge quantity of stuff that was chocolate brown!?
The colours were all wrong, horrible pale mint, a soft pink, apricots..... all colours I would not be seen dead in now. Jeans were awful cut, low waisted with bootlegs.
I still have a huge quantity of clothing that I will probably go through in a few months time and do another cull. I was pretty ruthless today but gave some items the benefit of the doubt. If I don't wear them in the next 12 months, or if I continue to pass them over they will have to go. All the pants need to be tried on too. I did not quite have enough energy or time to do that as well. I will leave it for another day.

My big happy moment for the day was finding a dress that I struggled to put on about 6 months ago and definitely could not do up the zip. Thought I would give it a go.... It easily fit, in fact it is probably a bit too big. I was beaming! A pity no one else was home to share it with.

Usually trying on clothes, for me, is something I dread.

I hope everyone else is experiencing these happy moments too.
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Sounds like a lot of fun. I am actually planning on going upstairs in my attic and bringing down the bags of clothes I've stored up there of all my smaller clothes that ive kept.

Hoping some will fit me or at least no be too far off to give me some extra motivation. I have 5 months till my cruise which is a bug motivator for me and I'd love to be able to wear the clothes i bought and wore for my last cruise in 2011.

For all your old clothes will you donate them somewhere?
11 of the 13 bags are in the back of my car to go to the Salvos tomorrow. :)
The others were rubbish.
Good to hear. I've actually emailed kate regarding the clothes that in the future will be too big for me. My idea is to perhaps get a clothing swap going or in my case I'm just happy to give what i no longer need away to people who can't afford or dont want to buy new clothes that are i guess are transitional. Anything that isnt wanted I would donate to charity.

Just thought it might be nice to help out fellow weight loss peeps.

Have to see what she says!
Kaylalouise,you are so special.. that is a fantastic idea.. hope Kate can get the ball rolling our your idea...
Smick my dear !!! it is the most liberating feeling , getting rid of past, and present clothes, they hold us back , because most of the time they a safety net for us to fall back into old habits {the fat clothes that is } the thin clothes, well they not really the thin clothes anymore, they part of our past and the "thin"goal we had then or the "thinner" body we had then is not our goal weight body we want now , we different people now, age wise and mentally right ? ...So time for a whole change , new clothes, updated clothes and a new you !! ...Funny how we as humans allow clothes to define us , image is such a big thing out in the real world ...and most shallow people define others by the way they dress, but for some, it really is a safety cloak, layer, net to either hide behind{like us "fatties "}the bigger the better, or for those who have low self esteem but seem to have the best body and face, those people use their modern flash clothes to esteem themselves and to hide behind their doubt about themselves....Sad but very true...Instead of clothes just being a covering from the elements ,we have boxed them into categories over the centuries, and well we all know if you have designer clothes , "labels talk sister", you in !!!and your hot if you have them!!1 , hahahahah...Well for me that was part and part of my job, {used to work in the Retail side of the fashion industry ,{Window dresser }for many yrs }but my body type began to not be the face of the company anymore ,and slowly but surely I found myself being on the other side of the window where the people in the real world, do not always have the money for the labels and the latest fashions, and I felt safer there in the that world ,and so I began to revert back to my teenage yrs where I made up my "own fashion" as I hated PEOPLE WHO COPIED others, and all looked the same, lol ..so I would do things opposite to the fashion, tweek it a little and make it my own, over time, overweight and all, I STARTED TO ADJUST my ideas in the windows and it brought in a whole different kind of customer, for a change, the average jo on he street ,would be buying our products, because they felt comfortable and not pressured to wear what was "in " and "now "...... Black and Brown might sound boring, but they the golden rule in Retail... always have a black pair of pants and a black dress in your cupboard, and yes apricot, greens and browns ,seen way out dated hahaha, may the style and patterns in your cupboard sure are, I know all about that, {it gives away our age sometimes} hahaha but do not throw away the colour scheme, the browns and apricots and green tones come around every year, just in new styles and and patterns, trying to stay with simple cuts and styles is key.. that way as you lose more weight, you will not have to keep buying clothes as often , and they easier to taylor or have tailored and a fraction of the price, I have also found since losing weight, that buying shoes and other accessories, like bags, sunglasses, or scarves ,earrings, and even new shades of make up ,help to bring your wardrobe alive again, and you feel good and changed at a fraction of the price, while you still wearing some of your "old clothes" {fat ;)clothes }...So go slow on replacing your wardrobe, you have loads of space in the cupboard now, but do it in stages, more fun that way and it keeps you motivated.. I took 5 empty hangers.. each one has goal weight, size and stage on it, stage 1 ,5kg buy pants.. stage 2 ,10kg by dress.. stage 3 ,15 kg expensive {leather} shoes, bag, or sunglasses {good quality lasts for a life time }etc etc ...So very happy for you for taking the plunge and tackling your walk in robe, and now you giving back to the community too ,what an awesome feeling !!! ...enjoy shopping and progressing to each goal, Smick, you inspire me so much ,every week , have a gr8 week and thankyou for sharing so openly and honestly about your progress always , ;););)
awesome Kate, I think Kaylalouise is going to be very happy with that .. :)

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