Week 1 - Day 1

  • Author Shellz86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Motivated and more determined than before.

Week 1. Day 1

I have relapsed. 2 years ago I started my weight loss journey with my gym partner. we went everyday at 5am in the morning for a whole year. I went from over 90kgs to 75kgs. then she got pregnant with her 2nd child and no longer went to gym.

I was left to motivate myself..but am the type if person that needs a constant reminder and motivation to push harder... but when I hit the weights I become very demotivated, as I had all these "thin gym bunnies" around me, felt like they were judging and looking at me. That's when I started to feel very intimidated . .. so I stop going every day to just 3 days a week if that... I even said I would start to do BBG workouts. .. 3 days became 1 day to when ever I felt like it.

Eating on the other hand, had a busy life style and never time to cook. had an awesome bf would loved me for me. well a year later I picked up all my weight gradually... even though a number of time I tried to get back on the fitness wagon. even with motivation from him.

I got to my lowest were I felt depressed and not wanting to look in the mirror at the body I had CREATED and let down, I was the only one to blame...

Decided a couple of weeks to get Duromine to help get me motivated to loose. so today was day one of the next 12 weeks.
Day one started off easy. I felt invincible and said to myself I can do it! this is how my day started.

Day one food journal:
Breakfast: muesli with low fat milk and my cuppa tea.
Lunch: chicken noodle salad
Dinner: yogurt and a beef pattie.

Was not hungry at all on day one... and tried to eat my 1200 calories... but no success.. but came home and did food prep... "always plan ahead of time.. therefore planning not to fail" new motto.

I am going to a wedding where am bridesmaid. .. I am not in love with the dress as I look like a curtain has been made to fit me... so I am going to do the Military diet from Tuesday for 3 days and see how much I drop.

Oh before i forget I drank 4 liters of water. and every hour I was in the bathroom. .. not sure if that's normal ?

Emotionally and mentally: I could not stop moving today. I was unable to sit for long periods at the time.. great for more movement...
Went to gym for a 20min walk to get the body and mind tired

When it came time to wind own and go to bed.... it hit like a wave... hence am here writing a blog on my journey... I haven't had a wink of sleep on the first night... been tossing and turning.. legs have been restless, unable to get comfortabke. My mind is still fully active... any suggestions really don't want to feel exhausted at the wedding on Friday.

It's now 1.20am on Tuesday morning . even though I haven't had a wink of sleep... am feeling more than ever motivated after reading other fellow blogs.

This stood out to me from another fellow duromine blogger: motivation for my Monday and day one.

"Before you judge those who are committed to the gym as self-centered or superficial, realise that for many of us, the gym is our escape, our sanity, and a place where we work. Not only on becoming stronger physically, but mentally as well."

Onwards and loosing Kgs forward. Will weigh in on Friday. before the wedding. "holding thumbs" and being healthy and fit again!

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