Week 1 Day 1

  • Author lisa-love
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
SW: 87.9
CW: 87.9
GW: 65
Height: 160cm

Hi everyone!
I’m 23 years old and am a nurse doing shift work. The past 2 years my weight piled on as I was struggling to get into the swing of shift work and life in general. I’m a big sweet tooth and comfort eater so I’m hoping this helps kick my cravings! I’m also having optifast for a meal replacement or two.

I have the 40mg and setting my alarm for 0500hrs every morning to help take it on time and to decrease the effects of insomnia. It’s currently 0825hrs and will be keeping duromine beside my bed with my alarm to keep it regular!
I’m feeling ‘awake’ as my dog woke me up, I’ve had about 6 hours sleep. I think I’m just very nervous at the moment and conscious of any symptoms!!
- I can feel my heart beating faster than usual
- No dry mouth as of yet
- A little nausea but not vomit kind I just think it’s nervous kind ☺️
- Feeling that I could eat a snack right now

Added: 1115hrs I’ve just taken my dog for a brisk 30min walk, I’m drinking water like a camel and well running to the toilet frequently but hey, what goes in must come out!
- Mouth is dry, I have a little bit of nausea but I think it’s due to this, I got through my walk no worries with it so no vomiting anytime soon!
- Weird goosebumps at times!!??
- I feel great that I’ve gone for a walk, I’m proud of myself for this is day 1.

That’s all for now,
- Lisa
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Hi Lisa! Welcome to the forum! Enjoyed going through your day 1 and was ready to read about the following days, and found your thread, as well. So, judging from what you wrote, the first day went pretty well. The walk – bravo! The menu… sounds pretty scarce. Hopefully, you eat more now. The headache could be caused by different things, including Duromine side effect, insufficient food income, withdrawals of sugar (like you suggested). How were these days for you? More headaches? How’s the heart doing?

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