Week 1

  • Author Sk1nnyoneday
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I lost 2.3kg in 7 days thanks to Duromine. I’m impressed, even though my appetite has come back already.

Now that the water weight is starting to shift again, maybe I can start losing some fat.

Today’s Symptoms
Mild dry mouth
Low mood

Today’s calories: tbc
Today’s exercise: tbc
Start weight: 66.6kg
Current: 64.3kg


Congratulations, dear! First weigh in and a wonderful result!

Hmmm… your appetite came back… what do you mean? That you feel hungry when it’s due time for a meal? Feel hungry all the time?

And, since you already provided such a great detailed info on your exercising, what about your menu? Where do these calories come from?

Last question… since the dry mouth is not as bad as it was… did you reduce the amount of water you consume during the day?
My appetite has increased between meals. The last two days I've been severely hunger before lunch even though I have a mid morning snack. And horribly hungry after dinner too.

Example menu

Breakfast: 2 eggs and 105g baked beans

Morning snack: cereal bar

Lunch: 2 tomatoes, 35g cheese, one fruit,

Afternoon snack: 30g crisps or popcorn

Dinner: 100g rice, 80g broccoli, 100g capsicum

I drink 2ltr water hasn’t changed.
Breakfast: 78x2 + 110

Morning snack: no idea… 140 maybe?

Lunch: 20x2 + 120 + 100 (max.)

Afternoon snack: 110

Dinner: 160 + 30 + 40

Now let’s count… drum roll… 1006 calories (that is if your cereal bar was that high in calories, and if you used white processed rice) or a bit lower.

Where does it take us? Oh yes, INSUFFICIENT amount of calories. Well, it probably suits you, since you don’t exercise. Oh wait, you DO exercise. SO where does it take us? Again, you need to consume a sufficient amount of calories that you take from healthy foods. I don’t know… there are sooooooo many examples of people, who were not losing weight while starving themselves with 800-1000 cal per day and exercises, and how started shedding weight off really quickly when they switched to 1500 calories… Can you try to eat more? Like add two slices of avocado to your breakfast, 1-2 tbsp of whole-grain pasta to your lunch and 50 g of boiled chicken breast to your afternoon snack or dinner.

You see, if you don’t feel full for a long time when you have a protein meal, adding just a bit of slow carbs to it will make the satiation last longer, or a little bit of healthy fat. I see that you follow the food combining principle, right? You are trying not to eat proteins with carbs. I see.. it works for many people, but you surely need to somehow make it ‘heartier’. And throw away that cereal bar if it has any kind of sugar in it. Yes, the cereals are slow carbs that satiate you for a long time, yet the sugar triggers an insulin jump, which inevitably makes you hungry really fast after you had it. Just like that fruit that you had during lunch. Better have the fruit as your morning snack (all sugars better come in in the first part of the day) and have yogurt with a couple of nuts as your afternoon snack.

Again, I wrote too much… sorry. I hope that you got the idea and will review your nutrition, especially on days when you exercise. Cheers

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Read time
1 min read
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