Week 14 weigh in

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
What a week it has been.
Last week I was just over 100 kg at 100.1. Very frustrating. This weeks weigh in I am 97.3 kg a whopping 2.8 kg loss. That gives me a total loss for the 14 weeks (Just over 3 months) of 19.7 kilos.
This week I have been super determined for a couple of reasons:
1. I definitely wanted to get into and stay double digits
2. I have begun the process of weaning off the D so I am only taking it every other day. I am super focused on not slipping back to old habits.

I am keeping up with the exercise. I have upped my target on my Misfit monitor from 600 points to 800 points (about 8,000 steps). I have managed to reach my target for 28 days in a row and am trying to keep this streak going as the app gives me a badge each day stating how many days I have reached my target in a row and to have to start again would be horrible. So... in the evening, if I have not reached my target, I hop on the treadmill until I have reached it. Simple. This always happens on the days I have TAFE as I am sitting for most of the day. It also means I am eager to move more. I can't believe how little I used to move! I'm going to increase my target again in the next few days probably to 900 this time. If I keep moving the bar, eventually I will be easily getting the recommended 10,000 steps a day.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week
Sharon xoxo

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 97.3 (-19.7)
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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That is awesome !!
please keep us posted while you are weening off !
awesome achievement !
Don't worry. I'll probably need this site more, while I'm weaning, for support. Today I did not take the D and it is just like a day I have taken it. Makes me feel confident. I am considering not taking it tomorrow as well to see how I manage. It would be great if I could stop all together and still keep losing. My only problem ATM is I'm not eating enough. I can only manage 600-800 calories a day and that is not near enough. If you add in exercise calories it is even less. I keep forgetting to have lunch.
Wow Smick, like always, you are an inspiration!
Lunch is always with me in a little container, but I also forget sometimes to eat it because of my job)))
I wish you feel no appetite without the pills, and I think you do it right. I think your body got used to this diet plan already. Have a fantastic day, you deserved it!
Thanks Kate,
My problem with lunch at the moment is that I am in spring cleaning mode, so on top of everything else I have to do, I am trying to fit too much into my day. Yesterday I had homework for TAFE to complete as well.
I get focused on my tasks and the next thing I know it is 4PM and I haven't eaten.
I have set up some reminders on my My Fitness Pal App that give me a nudge to log my meals if I have not done so by a set time. Hopefully that will help.
At least I am starting my day with a good breakfast. I never would eat breakfast before.
I also have a different attitude to food. Before I would eat indiscriminately, now I question if I really need something, I choose smaller portions and stop when I am satisfied.
Boy have I changed!
I am no longer obsessed by food. I used to 'diet' and this would cause me to be so focused on food that it was distracting. The D enabled me to have a much healthier attitude.
I think I will keep up with alternating days with the D. I am back at the GP on Saturday and will discuss if I can have one or two more months supply to take me up until I can see the endocrinologist. It is a bit of a crutch, but I don't want to give it up just yet when I still have so far to go. Actually, it is really the thought that it is there. I think I will be ready to stop very soon and do it myself, but I still want the option to have it if I need it IYKWIM. A bit of a safety net.
I have days where I feel confident, 'I can do this', and days when I have doubts, 'What if I can't?'
I think we all are going to go through this.
I would enlist my doctor at this phase and a close family member.
If you are eating well and exercising that is a good safety net.
Good luck and no stressing. You got this far so be happy and don't be afraid of challenges. These make us !!
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