Week 17 (post duro) weigh in

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week 17 weigh in

Loss 300gms -96.5kgs
Total loss 9.5kgs (start weight 106)


Well done Mumo3girls.. my kids are all grown now.. youngest is 20.. so.. my journey should be simpler for me to wrangle than yours as your girls are still children - much of your time is devoted to them and not necessarily to just yourself and your weightloss mission.. my actual issue (now that I have my attitude sorted) is just that thing called pre-menopause.. ohh what joy ..
9.5kg is an awesome amount to have shed.. my grandbaby is close to 10kg - and gee she gets heavy to carry within just minutes... Good on you for sticking with your plan for the entire duration and for the result you have achieved.. :)
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Haha good way of looking at it. I actually don't feel all that different believe it or not, I guess because it has been a very slow process because it's a lifestyle change and not just a quick fix. I feel like my belly has shrunk but it still feels huge, nothing else I feel. I can see the change in pics and my clothes are all kinds of weird shapes now haha.. but it hasn't been enough that I can confidently buy smaller stuff.
Yes my girls are fussy eaters and that makes life hard for me. They are fussy because they didn't have a strong confident mum to sort them out when they were babies, so now they can sort themselves out when they are older because I can't deal with that and my own eating.
My main problem now is just not rating eztra when I'm at home. The gym is a great distraction from food because I know I need to only eat a small amount before I go otherwise I feel crap, and I need something nutritious when I get home.. non gym days are harder!!
Anyways I'm here for the long haul just to record my overall loss even without duro..
I now have my 12 month goals and I've never stuck to anything for more than 8 weeks so this is huge for me..
2.5 more kgs and I'll be happily under what I've ever recorded as an adult.
(Not to say I wasn't lighter, I don't actually know.. haha)
I hear you... our sense of self effects how we interact, how we mother our children and how we tackle life... and how empowering it is to recognose there is a greater Happiness to wrangle - if we dare!! Its a battle of the mind, yes.. but once our mindset is met with a gameplan and is instilled with the a confident attitude towards pushing through - knowing It will take as long as it takes... it all seems SO much easier!!!

*Off with the Saggy n Soft... its way too heavy to carry around - let alone the space it absorbs of our self esteem... Be gone -.Chip Away!!

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1 min read
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