Week 20

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
This is beginning to be extremely frustrating. Now that I have been moved down to the 15mg I am back to losing no weight and back to full hunger. I have been eating pretty well and exercising every day and still am not losing anything.

So here are my results for this week:

Starting weight (26.08.13) = 100 kg
Week 19 (06.01.14) = 84.8kg
Week 20 (13.01.14) = 85.0kg
This week = +0.2 kg :oops:
Total Loss = 15 kg
Goal = 70 kg
Mini goal = Under 80kg for my birthday (6.2.14)

I can't believe I keep gaining weight. I desperately want to get to 80kg. I was 85kg for most of my high-school life and I want to be a different person. I want to be skinny for once. I want to be that girl all the guys do a double take on instead of always being their fat friend... *sigh* oh well this is just me venting.



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