Week 22 (5 Months Later)

  • Author SweetTeddie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Good Morning All,

Getting closer and closer to my goal by the week and I can not believe that I have come this far in 5 months.

I have started getting back on track but I have forgotten how difficult it is to say no to those favorite foods. Weekends are still the worse but I did well this week. Choosing brown brown rolls instead of the normal white and staying away from too many fatty thing. I just keep telling myself that I am only human and good food will always be good food.
I have entered into the habit of smacking my hand when I reach for things I know I shouldn't be eating. I treat myself like a naughty child, but it works for me.

I am still contemplating going back onto the D but still a little unsure as I know I can do it without it.

This week getting on the scale actually shocked me to my core, it has been the biggest loss in a very long time. 2.2kg off this week and leaving me with less than 30kg to go before reaching my goal of 75.

I truly hope that everyone is going well and having fantastic results. A little inspiration for today - Never forget that we are but only human. It's not the fall that will define us but the rise back up.

SW 138.9
CW 103.4 (-35.5)
GW 75 (28.4 to Go:laughing:)
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Wow fantastic loss this week teddie you are doing so well keep writing in your blog it's inspiring & when I stop taking Duromine I will need to smack my hand too :p hey if it works why not ;) have a great week :)
Well done Teddie.
Good to see some success from someone who has stopped taking the D. Makes me believe that we can all do it. Getting so close to double digits too.

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