Week 23 Weigh In

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
This week I have had a LOT of people comment on my weight loss.
I think it is because it has been warm and I have been wearing summer clothes and not the big layers.
It feels great. People are happy for me and I am proud of myself. I am not there yet though. It would be easy to say, I have achieved this much and now I can slack off, BUT, I really think I can go all the way and be a healthy weight.
I do need to go out and buy new clothes though. I unearthed some of my old clothes that were too small last year and now they are too big o_O. Missed my window of opportunity there.
I know I am in a much smaller size but I hate trying on clothes. Particularly now that I am unsure of my size. I used to be a firm size 20 :eek: I am currently wearing size 18s but they are baggy and look too big. A size 16 will be OK, but that is in the larger women's sizes. If I go to a regular shop will they be the same or will I have to go up a size? I think the big girls stuff is a bit more generous about the waist. It would be great to be able to shop in the regular store for everything. Most of the suff in the larger girls store is a bit tent like. Until now I have only bought a few items in the regular shops, never pants though (not for a long time). There is a heap of stuff in the ezybuy catalogue but, until I am more confident with sizing, it would be silly to order anything.

This weeks weigh in:
I'm down another 1.1 kg to 90.6 kg. Not bad. I am having the D, 3 days a week, so 1.1 kg seems pretty reasonable.

If I can keep this up I will be smashing my goals for Christmas:
- Get under 90 kg
- 30 kilos weight loss , 87 kilos
- No longer be obese, 86 kilos

I hope everyone is having a great week and reaching their goals.
Sharon xoxo

Week 23 lost 1.1 kg
Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 90.6 kg (-26.4)
Healthy Weight Range: 58-72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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That sounds so awesome I hope you do really well this week and smash some more goals.
Hope the clothes shopping goes well and you get some really nice stuff.
you are winning this battle with gusto .. .... I can so identify with the clothes issue, soon dear friend soon we will be shopping where the healthy fit and strong people shop !! hee hee .. very soon .. have a super week , cannot wait to hear your next mini goal ..
Every time I see your post and read about your next goal I think: "This lady will definitely achieve that. No doubt." And that's a great feeling, because I now have a proof other people (not just me or a couple of friends of mine) can do that. So now I am sceptical when I see messages saying: "I can't lose weight". It is a hard work. Everybody can. Depends on each case, but nothing is impossible. Well done, Smick! Good luck and I hope you will soon buy some new clothes and enjoy the process!
Your doing so we'll Sharon I know you will be in the 80's soon I'm sending weight loss good vibes for your next weigh in ...how is the 3 days of D going what days are you taking D & are the other days a struggle I'm interested because I want to have a break before Xmas then take D over the holidays. The clothes delema is one we are all facing too... It really feels fantastic to wear somthing that actually fits & gives you shape I have purchase a couple of basics to get me through... Plus I have size 10 -22 at my home ... Its great to try on classic clothes that I have kept and they fit...have a great week ;)
I'm alternating days but skipping another weekday. I'm not struggling. I think doing it this way just keeps my levels up IYKWIM. My GP suggested alternating days right from the start if my symptoms were bad.
I eat a little more on my off days but not much.
I have begun taking a multivitamin too, so I have tablets every day and I put them in a weekly pill box. That way I have my tablets planned for the week and I don't have to think about it. I am having tablets every day and some days I have to really think hard if it is a D day or not. So it is a bit like a placebo, having the vitamins it kind of fools my brain/body a little. Not having to make a conscious decision about it also helps with the trickery.
Weight loss is slow but has been for a while.

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