Week 25 - Stand Still

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
This week I am exactly the same as I was last week.
No excuses. I have been slack. Not recording my calories and sneaking a bite here and there. Exercise has been OK, not stellar though. AF is due in a few days and this week is always a challenge. I know this and still did not make efforts to avoid it.
Since there is only a little over two weeks until Christmas (and my MIL will be here feeding everyone with her delicious treats :confused: ) , I am going to have a two week intensive hit at putting 100% into my weight loss. This past couple of months of slow going my weight loss it has been just something that I do every day.

I have been very distracted over the past few months:
I have completed my TAFE course (21 High Distinctions :laughing: )
My dad has been in and out of hospital with clogged arteries in his leg. First for a stent, then to operate on one that was too blocked for a stent, now because his wound is opening up and not healing properly. All weight related. Another reason I need to lose weight.
My youngest has finished school for the year.
My Daughter finishes her full time dance course on Friday and yesterday got her 'A' letter letting her know that she has a place in the university course she wants. Anyone who knows about these things knows that an 'A' letter is very special, over 1,000 audition and only 20-30 get a place. She has been preparing and auditioning intensely for the past year (more than that really) She missed out last year, got to the final audition (50 candidates, from 1,500) and has been working towards this goal since she was in primary school (yes, she knew which uni course she wanted to do and announced it to us when she was in grade 6!) So a huge stress has now been relieved.

Seems like I have been focusing on everyone else.
I can now focus on ME.
Oh... there is a little thing called Christmas too, but I am just going to sit back and let that happen.

I promise that next week I will be reporting a loss.
I really want to be Overweight (86 kg) not Obese for 2015.

Week 25 - stayed the same
Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 89.9 kg (-27.1)
Healthy Weight Range: 58-72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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Wow Sharon you have had a very busy time with your family, congrats to your daughter you must be sooooo proud:) what an achievement.
My sister is the wound care specialist CNC she runs a specialist clinic & does all the consults from st Vincent's in Sydney to Bega on the far south coast, if you have any questions I would be happy to put you in contact with her, just send me a private message & I will give you my number :)
Ok so now to make you the priority motivation is needed to get back on track ;) have a great week I'm looking forward to seeing your results next week :)
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Sharon I forgot to say congratulations on passing your TAFE course woo hoo & 21 D that's amazing wow I only ever got a couple through out 4 yrs at uni lol :p
It is very easy to get a HD at TAFE.
That is 21 out of 21 subjects too. :p
Big Girl SA
We have been on this "lifestyle change" so long, that we know having a week here and there with no weight loss, is completely normal. Its just your body adjusting to the weight loss again, and next week you will have a loss. Hats off to you, for admitting where you went wrong, and making plans to change it. If you can see the problem, and know how to fix it, the battle is WON already! Congrats on all the achievements this year :)

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