Week 26

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Effort is equal to results and this week my effort was pretty poor, resulting in only 0.3 kg loss.
Everything is out of sync. I have finished school, Kids are all done too, my dad has been in and out of hospital, Christmas is rapidly approaching and my routine has gone out the window.
Every day there seems to be a reason I don't exercise or make bad food choices.
I have not had any huge blowouts but it is the small stuff every day that is hindering my progress.
My biggest need at the moment is to get back into some kind of routine. I have to make getting up and exercising a priority. This past week I have been putting it off and at least 3 days have not reached my movement goals. With 16 days left for this year, I am committing to 10,000 steps every day (yes, including Christmas) for the rest of the year. I am also going to record all my calories (which I have let lapse the past few weeks) every day, except Christmas (that day is just way too hard). That should put me back on track.
The good thing is I have not gained and I have not had any D for over a week now. I have a script at the pharmacy which I plan to fill in the new year for one last push, but am on my own until then.
I really want to start next year no longer obese. I need to get to 86.5 kg. I can do 3.1 kilos in just over two weeks, even with Christmas in the middle? I have done it before BUT that was early on and with the help of the D. I am going to get motivated and give it a go.
I hope everyone is having a great week.

Week 26: - 0.3 kg
Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 89.6 kg (-27.4)
Healthy Weight Range: 58-72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg



Incredible, Smick, as usual! Looking back...I can't believe my eyes how much you lost, these scales prove everything :laughing:
I am sure though, you will manage to reach your 3.1 loss that's for sure. Don't lose control on Christmas and New Year, please. Especially now when you are off D. I wish you only the loss, not gain. Every year I am afraid of these holidays too))) Although my diet is pretty stable for years, I still have some yummies that seduce me constantly. We shall stick together girls and we'll be good.

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2 min read
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