Week 27 - Back on Track

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Found it.... My motivation, that is. :p
It definitely went on vacation :cool: for a couple of weeks, but I can gladly say it has returned and is refreshed.
I went on a bit of a bender on Saturday night though :confused:. Was not pretty. I really have not had much to drink in the past six months and on Saturday nigh had a Xmas party to attend. Thought...Why not? and smashed a couple of bottles of bubbly. The result was a VERY drunk me. So much that I was totally wiped out for the whole of Sunday o_O. I won't be doing that again for a long while.

Other than that, I have been very good. Lost 0.7 kg to make me now 88.9. Not bad for this time of year.

My daughter has started me on an exercise program. It is gruelling. My body hates me ATM but will love me in a few weeks (fingers crossed). Have done only two of the strength sessions so far (one abs and one legs) and I ache terribly. Have had to modify most of the exercises for me. My daughter is super fit (she is a full time dancer and dances 30+ hours a week) so she is doing crunches, sit ups, squats etc, with ease, while I cannot even do one regular sit up :oops: - I will get there. She uses much heavier weights also.

The program is by Kayla Itsines. A South Australian girl who sells her program online. We got given a copy so have not had to lay out $$. It is HARD, but is a great program. It would be better if she had examples of a modified program for the unfit like me though. Luckily I studied Phys Ed at uni and have the knowledge to do it myself, along with my daughter who does this kind of thing daily. She gives you a program that includes resistance circuit training, targeting various muscle groups (Abs, Legs, Arms, Whole Body) for Mon, Wed, Fri, for 12 weeks. You are also supposed to do low impact walking, swimming, or bike on the other days. She adds in a thing called HITT (High Intensity Interval Training) several weeks into the program, which sounds HARD.

Christmas week is upon us and I think I have all my gift shopping sorted. Today is wrapping gifts and cleaning up the house for the onslaught of family. We are off to Phillip Island after Christmas for a week, then it is my birthday.

Success for me over the next two weeks will be to not have a gain. Maintaining over Christmas, New Year, holidays and my birthday is as good as a big loss for a 'normal' week.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas.

Week 26: - 0.7 kg
Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 88.9 kg (-28.1)
Healthy Weight Range: 58-72 kg
Goal Weight: 65 kg

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