Week 5 Day 6

  • Author Determined93
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Had a terrible night sleep last night, between being woken up by my children/partner a total of 6 times and having to get up to pee another 3 times all over the span of 6.5hrs I feel like crap today. Gone are the days when I could have a shitty sleep, take my Duro and feel like I slept great. Even after having my morning coffee I still feel crappy.

I have also noticed the last couple of nights I can feel myself start to fall asleep and then freak out and feel like I stopped breathing. It’s kind of hard to explain exactly what happens but that’s probably the best way I can describe it. It’s so weird because I don’t think my breathing actually changes at all. Not sure if this is a new side effect coming on or if I’m just weird.

Now some positives .. I think I have finally worked out this whole calories in vs calories out thing in terms of losses. My overly ambitious goal is to burn 2950 calories a day based on consuming 1200cals but my base goal is to burn 1500 cals on top of however many calories I consume per day (which is under 1200). According to some research and some maths this should result to an approximate loss of 1-1.5kg a week, which I think is a steady loss, although I won’t complain if it ends up being more but I’m keeping my expectations realistic.

Yesterday I decided to stop using being sick as an excuse to sit around and do pretty much nothing all day, although since I still have a rather annoying cough I have decided to ease back into my workouts for fear of jumping back in to it and making things worse.

Things I have learnt this past week -
  1. When sick you need to give yourself time to rest and recover and not feel guilty about it.
  2. Once you start to feel better, even if you’re not 100% you need to try and resume your usual routine, even if you can’t give it your all it’s important to still try to go through the motions.
  3. It’s really easy to fall out of a routine and say screw it.
  4. Don’t let your decisions from yesterday deter you from your journey, today is a new day!
Despite my poor sleep last night I am feeling rather positive now. It’s actually taken 2 hours to write this because I’ve been stopping to go do other things so my motivation has increased since I started writing this. Anyway I think that’s all for now. Time to go tackle the rest of my day.
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Thats awesome that you are feeling more positive, and I heartily agree about giving yourself time to rest and recover, whilst not feeling guilty about it!

The sleeping thing - I have actually had that happen to me more than a couple of times and before taking Duromine. I actually think you are not reaching a deep enough sleep and your consciousness is still aware. I found that this occurred when I have been really stressed and by the end of the day, even though I wanted to switch off, my brain doesn't let me at all.

Maybe you can try some of that lavender on your pillow or a nice relaxing bath? Do some deep breathing exercises before trying to sleep or a light meditation (if you are into that)

Calories in vs calories out. I must have a brain fart when trying to read about it because it becomes gobbledygook to me! To this day I don't really understand it. If I concluded right, (and I don't presume I did, so please correct me if I am wrong) you want to burn what you are eating plus another 1500 on top of it?

Or is it 1500 you want to burn, less your food leaving you with a goal of burning 600 calories a day?

Told you I didn't understand lol.
Hey Rava,
If the whole sleeping thing happens again I will give those things a try. So far it’s only happened a couple of times and last night I was all good.

I had a little giggle at what you said about not understanding the whole calories in vs out thing because you sound exactly like me when I started :laughing: I did a lot of research on it and then compared it to the results on my Fitbit app and I just kind of clicked and finally got it.

Yeah you got it right the first time, I want to burn what I am eating plus 1500 on top :) After tracking my calories in vs out and my progress with my weightloss over the past few weeks I have found that that’s the number that works for me. It may be different for you though.

I’m also not exactly sure how accurate my Fitbit is with telling me how many calories I have actually burnt so whether or not I actually burn 1500 + what I’ve eaten I’m not sure but as long as the numbers work out that way on my Fitbit app I know that I am on track and that it’s at least consistent.

Are you using any kind of fitness tracker to determine how many calories you are burning each day?
So great that you got a good night sleep in! It makes you feel so much better :)

I have an apple watch which has a health app that tracks my kilojoules, steps, distance and exercise minutes, oh and stairs climbed too! (Cant forget the stairs cause I have 19 of the buggers at home that I feel like I am forever running up and down on lol!)

I actually only yesterday, downloaded a couple of apps that I can sync to the health app or run separately just to see how accurate it was. Yesterday it was pretty good, bar for maybe 40 steps. (That app was Pedometer++). Downloaded another one to try today called ActivityTracker, which has a few more options to see how that goes. You know really at the end of the day it doesn't really matter as long as you put in the time to burn those calories :)

2400 calories to burn in a day is huge! Sure its not kilojoules on your Fitbit? cause that would work out around 573 calories which makes more sense to me. Honestly, calories, kilojoules it does do my head in lol. As I mentioned before its just Gobbledygook :eek::eek::eek: to me :laughing:

Makes sense to stick with your Fitbit regardless :). I really think anytype of tracker is a great thing, and if it does the math/counting for you even better ;) and if it motivates you to push yourself a little bit harder, better still :)
Yeah it’s definitely calories not kilojoules. It does kind of make sense considering I consume 1200 calories a day (well that’s my goal and that’s what I have based my numbers off of) and I have to burn at least that many to maintain my current weight.

When I was doing my research into it I came across how many calories you need to burn approx on top of calories consumed to loose 1 pound (which is approx 3500 calories). Based off of that I then converted from pounds to kg, did some maths and compared it to calories burnt vs consumed on my Fitbit app and compared that to how much I’ve lost each week to work out a goal to aim for.

In case you are interested the more specific process I went through was..
- 3500 calories burnt a week (500 a day) = approx 1 pound loss
- 2.2 pounds = 1kg
- 2.2 x 500 = 1100 calories per day that needs to be burnt on top of calories consumed.
- 1100 + 1200 = 2300

Thus giving me 2300 calories to burn per day to loose approx 1kg a week.

As I said though I’m not sure how accurate my Fitbit is with the amount of calories it says I burn but when I compared my calculations to my results on the app then compared to the amount lost each week it was pretty close. It’s still a trial and error at this stage but at least I have an approx number to aim for.

On average according to my Fitbit last week I burnt 2230 calories a day and I didn’t do a whole lot last week as I was sick. So although it does seem like a lot, for me it seems doable.

It really does motivate me a lot more having a Fitbit that tracks everything and I can set goals on there which it will give me a notification when I reach it so it makes me try a lot harder then just having no real idea how I am doing asides from the scales. I find that if I look at it and the counter is on the low side I will make myself go and do stuff to get it to go up where as before I got it I would have been like nah I’m doing okay.
That is such a big number to burn - bugger me I don't think I could create that type of deficit in a week :eek: I have been aiming for at least 400 calories per day for my first week, but I think I will average maybe 500, as I have really pushed myself in the exercise department.

I actually really need to look into this and get a grip on it so I can start making it work for me too!

The Fitbit sounds awesome! and if it motivates you more, than its worth its weight in gold :). Being able to set your own goals on it is fab too!

Sorry for all the calorie burn questions :oops: but I appreciate you taking the time to explain it to me :)
Hmm you’ve got me questioning the huge difference in what my Fitbit says I burn compared to your Apple Watch. Does yours continue counting calories at rest or just while you are exercising?

The Fitbit has been great. I was very hesitant to buy one at first because I thought that it would be a fad and i’d get over it but that hasn’t happened yet and I really love the sleep tracker which tells me approx how much time i have spent in each sleep stage.

Don’t apologise about asking questions, that’s what this site is here for so that we can all share experiences, tips and info. Just something to keep in mind though, I’m no expert and am still learning as I go so when I think I have come to terms with something useful I am happy to share, however be prepared for the possibility that I may have retract what i’ve said if it turns out that I didn’t quite get it as well as I thought the first time haha :laughing:
You know what it does, but it didn't show me the number until I went exploring!!! I was just talking about the calories burned whilst exercising because that is what it shows me on my watch face! Bloody hell Im hopeless at times!!

Its all making much more sense now I think lol!

From my app yesterday, the calories burned whilst resting are 1831, my active energy or calories burned by exercise was 740. Gives me a total of 2571 burned for the day (1831+740= 2571)

Is this how you get your total? or am I still on the wrong path?

Determined93 said;
Just something to keep in mind though, I’m no expert and am still learning as I go so when I think I have come to terms with something useful I am happy to share, however be prepared for the possibility that I may have retract what i’ve said if it turns out that I didn’t quite get it as well as I thought the first time haha :laughing:

Its all good, and no worries about if you have to retract lol! I do that a lot :p:laughing:

Its such a big learning curve and it makes complete sense that as well travel along on this journey we will find out other information that might change how we perceive something to be :)
Ah that’s better haha. Nope you’re on the right path now :) my Fitbit is kind of the opposite, it gives me a running total of all calories burnt throughout the day and if I want to see specific counts for exercise I have to go to a different section.

Glad it makes more sense now and we got it all straightened out :laughing:
Thanks for popping in and letting me know! it really was doing my head in lol!

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Not a problem at all :)

Thank you :laughing:

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