Week 5 - Day One, Starting Fresh

  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week Five - Day One

SW: 89.5 kg
CW: 86.0 kg (+ 1.0 kg)
GW: 75.0 kg

So today was the first day of my 2nd prescription after having about a week off. Being so exhausted from lack of sleep just took its toll & I've come down with a cold. I'm suspicious that maybe my body got used to the duromine & as soon as I can off it I got sick? Nevermind the sickness though, I put on 1kg in the short space of time and 2nd day off duromine my appetite was back. Not that I went completely nuts on the eating by any means but I definitely felt hungry. I was full after small portions but ate more often than usual.

Today was day one of script #2 and felt hungry still but tomorrow should be better. I've felt good today & so looking forward to the rest of the week. Set my alarm for 5am so I can take my tablet! Yippee

Ps sorry if there's errors, I'm typing on my phone so can't see jack!


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