Week 5 weigh in

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Anyone who has read my posts for the past week would know that I have had a horrific week.
I am determined that this is not going to be a set back.
I weighed in this morning and my weight is 107.9 kg. Not great. This is a gain of 0.3 kg from last week BUT still a loss from a high of 108.5 a couple of days ago.
I'm glad it is coming down again and i'm pretty sure my frame of mind had a lot to do with it. All the more reason to keep a check on my emotional state and not let things get out of hand.
I really just have to look at the big picture and see that a loss of more than 9 kilos in just over a month is an amazing achievement.
Off to the doctors on Thursday to get my blood test results and another prescription.
I hope everyone else is having a fantastic week.

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 107.6 (-9.4)
Goal Weight: 65 kg
W0 0.0 (117.0)
W1 -4.2 (112.8)
W2 -1.4 (111.4)
W3 -2.2 (109.2)
W4 -1.6 (107.6)
W5 +0.3 (107.9)

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