Week 9.... Back pain and weight gain.

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Not a very happy chick this week.
Over did the exercise and injured my back. This resulted in pain meds, no Duromine and no exercise. Could barely move at all!
Back is getting better and I am now off the pain meds. Can begin to get moving again. Yay!
Weigh in.
Knew it would not be pretty. Really wanted to give it a miss this week, but I am determined to stick with it so I took a deep breath and hopped on the scales.... 105.4 kg. Not great but not tragic either. A gain of 0.5 kg that is what I had lost the previous week so I am basically back where I was two weeks ago.
I have renewed enthusiasm now.
I have 30 days left of D. I need to make the most of them and not waste the chance.
It is helpful that for my course (pharmacy) we have just begun a unit in diet and nutrition. Homework given out today includes a diet and exercise diary of EVERYTHING we eat, drink and all exercise and the time we do it along with any emotional triggers.
Until now I have not tracked my food by writing it down so this will be something that really puts a focus on what I am doing. I might track it in one of those apps that give the calorie count. I have to start tomorrow.
I hope everyone is having a great week.
Sharon xoxo
Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 105.4 (-11.6)
Goal Weight: 65 kg
W0 0.0 (117.0)
W1 -4.2 (112.8)
W2 -1.4 (111.4)
W3 -2.2 (109.2)
W4 -1.6 (107.6)
W5 +0.3 (107.9)
W6 -0.5 (107.4)
W7 -2.0 (105.4)
W8 -0.5 (104.9)
W9 +0.5 (105.4)



Hey Smick, so good to hear from you !!!!.. not a huge gain, you will lose it in no time, it will be interesting to hear what is said about your food journal/tracker, once you complete it,for that unit, we can all learn from it I am sure , may your week be a positive ,pain free one for you , KEEP MOVING FORWARD ,xx
Hi Sharon it's good that you are sticking to your plan even though you had a tuff week ... I know it's disappointing to put on ,however as you said it's not tragic and you will lose it :) Stay strong keep motivated you have made amazing changes in your life go girl ;)
500g is just a little gain and youll probably lose it really quick :) stay positive and motivated! you are really close to being under 100 keep up the good work!
Hey Smick ,
how is the diet journal going ?? it really does help one to see where we one is going wrong, or how well you doing and and on the right track too ... hope you have good results girl .. have an awesome weekend .. :)
Diet is doing great. I seem to have more motivation. I am recording it all in my iPhone app - My Fitness Pal. The app is useful and easy as you can scan a food's barcode and it logs it for you. It also syncs with my Misfit movement tracker. I sound like an add for the apps and devices BUT I just really love my gadgets. Anything that keeps me motivated, right?!
My diet app says I am eating about 1000-1200 calories a day. This is what I am aiming for. I actually think I am eating a bit more now because I am thinking about it more. Before I would forget to eat lunch till about 4 in the afternoon then not be hungry for dinner. I am also trying to make sure I move a lot more. The Misfit tracks that and I have it set to only 6000 steps a day. I struggle to get anywhere near that usually. Now I am making sure that I hop on the treadmill or go for a bike ride and am getting my goal 5/7 days (other than last week when I hurt my back). When I am consistently achieving that goal I will push it up until I am getting the required 10,000 steps.
My daughter has started tracking what she eats too. She is 19, 5'8" or 9" and I think she is thin. She is a full time dancer and being so tall and having a decent set of breasts, she always feels hefty because she is always comparing herself with the anorexic, 5'0", petite, flat chested ballerinas. She gets plenty of exercise, dancing 7 hours a day, but does eat a lot of stuff that she shouldn't. She wants to eat more healthy and move a bit more on the weekends so she can lose 5 kg by summer.
I think seeing me do it has motivated her a bit. As long as she doesn't lose too much.
It seems that my head is in the right place this week. Hopefully it will show on the scales next week.

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