Week Five - Day Six, WHAT is wrong with me???

  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Today I'm feeling very disappointed in myself for what I've done to my body this last week. Because I've been really sick & bed ridden on 1 day I've f**ked up my whole week. What a waste of money it is buying the tablets when I'm not even giving it my all. And it's not just when I'm sick it's in general. Friday, Saturday & Sunday all day I was drinking cordial and when that ran out I started drinking soft drink. Neither of which are ever in my house but when ever I have the flu red cordial helps me feel better. Even just the thought of food on those 3 days was nauseating.

Friday I had 2 red bulls, 2 coffees, cordial and 1/2 of a haloumi pide, not in that order.
Saturday was basically no liquids until 7 pm when I had more cordial & a home made sausage roll (about the size & height of an iphone lol).
Sunday was soft drink again with a bit more food, watermelon, an orange and 2 slices of pizza.

Last Thursday I weighed 86.0 kg and by Sunday morning I weighed 83.7 kg. Then yesterday being out at an 11 y.o party I had a slice of bread with hot chips (complete bliss and after the 3 days of shit eating my devil horns were already poking out so I figured why not?) accompanied by a bottle of coke. And dinner was 1 cup brown rice with 1/2 cup chicken breast...dessert was coffee. So with that small amount of food I managed to rack up a total of 934 cal. Yay me :mad: ...
When I was working I would have coffee (always with 2 sugars & milk), 1/2 cup berries & an apple for breakfast then a big chicken salad and coffee with 2 biscuits for lunch. All that food and I hadn't even racked up 500 cal yet.

All these good foods are staring me in the face every time I open the fridge but I just don't put the effort in anymore. I've got no excuse not to do it so WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??? Stupid lazy cow.

I know I'm very inconsistent with my eating & water drinking (some days only 300ml) and Mum suggested this could be causing problems in the weight loss. My body or more so, my stomach doesn't know if it's going left, right, up or down because some days I eat well, other days I eat nothing & the same goes for drinking water. So I think I'm going to draw up a pretty meal plan with lots of colours and stick it on the fridge! Nice and BIG for everyone to see. I will know then that if I follow it I'm eating a consistent & sufficient amount of cal per day.

Current weight by the way is 84.7 kg ( -1.3 kg in 5 days) and weigh-in is on Thursday morning.


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