Week Four - End Results

  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Week Four - Day Seven

SW: 89.5 kg
CW: 85.0 kg (- 1.0 kg)
GW: 75.0 kg

Week 3 lost sweet F*** All but during this one week every month I bloat, retain water & eat lots. And I mean lots. End of Week Four though and I've lost 1 kg, each weekly amount sounds measly but to loose 4.5 kg in one month I think is a good result. Perhaps in my head I was just expecting 2 kg to fall off me every week on the 40mg tablets but this is not the case. So I picked PT Pete's brain (the boyfriend) and he suggested because I spend more time on weights than on cardio I'm building up muscle mass AND loosing fat. So essentially adding weight with muscle and loosing weight with fat which I'm happy to put up with! He has been very encouraging these last 4 weeks & gets genuinely excited with my progress which in turn makes me feel so happy.

Gym has been good lately, I seem to learn something new from him each time I'm there. I think he might be smarter than I give him credit for haha he has managed to trick me into thinking I'm in charge of what I do at the gym but now ALL OF A SUDDEN we are at the stage where we spend at least 1/2 hour training together doing the same exercises (just different weights)! Sneaky bugger! Anyway, if anyone has a small question about training I will pass the info on and see if he can help.

Food wise I've been eating a little to much carbs having it with 5 dinners in the last two weeks but like I said, I eat lots! And crave comfort food my Mum used to cook. Other than that I seem to have a shake maybe every other day as breakfast but when I do I still eat my 2 pieces of fruit & coffee for breakfast which lasts me until late afternoon & I feel great because I've eaten like a king!

I have noticed I'm having bouts of severe headache (just below being a migraine) & nausea which lasts for about 5 hours. Since cutting out a lot of gluten/refined carbs for the last 10 -12 months the amount of headaches I suffer from have reduced massively and I only get headaches on the rare occasion (1/month) as apposed to a daily basis. Nowadays I try and ride it out as long as I can without taking an medication, usually finding that some water or coffee, maybe even a nap will fix me up. But this severe headache combined with nausea I just can't handle and there is no reason for it. The pain killers don't help but at least the nausea tablets work within 30-40 minutes. Touch wood I don't get one later today...

I'll post tomorrow about my problems with sleeping because it's now 2.40am and the sandman is nowhere to be seen. When he does finally rock up I'll be sure to give him a piece of my mind! Thank goodness for Bryce Courtenay is all I can say.
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