Week One - Bad Breath & Dry Mouth (solution & explanation)

  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I've noticed a few posts where people have mentioned they have dry mouth and/or bad breath as a side effect of the Duromine. I am in no way a doctor or expert but thought I would offer a possible solution (dry mouth) & explanation (bad breath) and let you guys decide what you'd like to do with that info!

Obviously you wont be able to get rid of these side effects without stopping the medication but from my experience this product has helped. The quickest solution for dry mouth is a product called Biotene, available at pharmacies over the counter. Just bear in mind though that dry mouth will encourage you keep up your water intake.

Regarding the bad breath or perhaps just a constant 'strange' taste in your mouth, from my experience this is caused by a process called Ketosis. This often occurs when on low-carb diets such as Atkins & Dukan. It can be explained in more depth but Ketosis simply means that our bodies are turning to fat instead of sugars for energy (which is GREAT)! When our bodies break down fat for energy (fat metabolism) Ketones molecules are generated & most of these Ketones are used throughout the body for energy. However there is one Ketone called Acetone which our bodies cannot use and therefor excrete as waste through our urine & breath. Its is this excretion which causes bad breath or a 'strange' taste in your mouth. Unfortunately I don't think there is anything you can do about this other than keep some gum handy! Haha hope this explanation helps a little!​


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