Week One - First Impressions

  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Week One

SW: 89.5 kg
GW: 75.0 kg
CW: 88.5 kg

It has not been a full week yet on Duromine but theres a lot to talk about in when your starting out. Day one was Wednesday last week.

Firstly, how does it feel? To be 100% honest, it feels a little like being on speed. Fortunately though it's not as strong a feeling but I certainly felt like tablets 1 & 2 hit me hard. I experienced the thirst/dry mouth (which I don't mind) and mood swings. Over all, just generally not feeling like my usual cheerful self. In saying that, I did feel like I could just keep going & going.

Secondly was the issue of sleeping, Thursday night was awful. I had around 2 hours sleep but its more the frustration of trying to sleep than the tiredness that's the problem. Friday night I went out getting home around 3 am and slept until 11 am Saturday morning. I did not think it would be a good idea to take the pill that late in the day so I skipped it.

Third thing to mention is appetite. I found it was completely non-existent the first 2 days but I feel now like I stuffed myself up by skipping Saturday (which by the way I ate normally all day). I felt the tablets where less effective on Sunday & Monday as I ate less than usual but still felt hungry during the day. When I weighed myself Friday I had lost 2 kg's (I was stoked!) but then I weighed myself today (Sunday) & I've only lost 1 kg. Something to note though, I haven't been to the loo since Friday! Which is very unusual for me as I'm quite regular.

I'm having a good giggle at myself now though because perhaps I've shared a bit too much ha-ha!



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