Week One - Not so happy ending

  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week One

SW: 89.5 kg
GW: 75.0 kg
CW: 87.5 kg (- 2kg)

As you can see from the all important numbers above I've lost 2 kg in my first week. And yes, when I hopped off the scale I did a bit of a happy dance! BUT and it's a big BUT, I'm very hesitant to trust that this figure will not go up again. Hence the "not so happy ending"...

The reason behind the suspicion? After two days on Duromine I'd lost 2 kg. I weighed again on day four and I was back go my original weight! Now today I'm down 2 kg AGAIN (and some where in between I was down 1 kg). Now that I've written it all down I think I might've gone a tad overboard with the weighing which is, believe it or not, unusual for me.

I've found the week full of up's and down's and I reckon I've experienced most of the side effects in those 7 days. I've been all kinds of emotional and my poor partner has had to put up with ALL of it! Lucky for me theres a lot of love in our relationship & we made it through the first week haha.

I'm looking forward to the next 4 days because I have a girlfriend from my school days coming to stay for her birthday so there will be a lot of dancing involved which'll hopefully make up for some of the gym I missed this week ;)


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