Week Two - Day 5

  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Week Two

SW: 89.5 kg
GW: 75.0 kg
CW: 87.5 kg

I've missed this site the last few days! Having a friend stay for four days was quite hectic and draining (emotionally and physically)! I hadn't seen her in just over a year & what was supposed to be a fun girls weekend became 4 days of obligation. Driving out of obligation (350kms in 4 days), being nice out of obligation, giving up my weekend out of obligation. I had to bite my tongue quite a lot as she drove me FKN mental! She was constantly looking at her phone (while I was talking, at dinner, during a show, you get the point...) which stifled any chance of conversation, she made rude remarks and acted like Sydney was a fkn ghetto! "Are you going to lock the car doors now?" She made my blood boil and not being able to get that anger out became really draining. Needless to say I was glad to say goodbye to her so I could have some me time!

So yesterday afternoon I spent a couple hours cooking & baking which I loved and then I had a good nights sleep to get up at 9am this morning to take my tablet. I've hardly eaten or exercised since Thursday because of all the running around but had a good start to today. Coffee, cucumber & dip, a pear and a couple glasses of water. Contemplating what to have for a late lunch as its now almost 2pm.

I don't seem to be having as many side effects as the first week which is nice but I hope it doesn't mean the tablets aren't working any more! I feel less jittery and seem to be sleeping a lot better. Perhaps its because of all the running around by the time I got home I was so exhausted. Looking forward to yoga class tomorrow night as I get to see my beautiful pregnant friend and her 16month little girl which will definitely put a smile on my face.


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