Week Two - Results

  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Week Two

SW: 89.5 kg
GW: 75.0 kg
CW: 86.0 kg (-1.5 kg)

I should've weighed myself this morning but I completely forgot to because I had to be ready at 9 to go out & it was a bit of a rush so instead I just weighed myself now. I'm pretty happy with the results of week two but I know I can do much better. I haven't been exercising or eating properly - I'm finding it very difficult to get into the rhythm of it all again. I was doing really well before starting on Duromine but because I felt pretty awful the first week on it I just rested & hardly ate now it seems those habits have followed me into my second week.

I'm constantly arguing with myself mentally because I know if I don't get moving and eating right I will just put all the weight back on and I think that's heaps more embarrassing than being the fat blob I am. I have all day to go to the gym but I don't seem to be able to get my ass off the couch. Reading the blogs here about everyones progress is a reminder of what I should be doing but I can't get myself motivated. And to continue on about how hard my life is (ha-ha very funny), I had a deep cleanse facial yesterday which has left me with horrible bright red spots everywhere and a peeling nose which I can't cover with make-up cause it'll defeat the purpose of the facial! Needless to say I won't be doing that again unless I'm living in a cave for a week...

Anyways into week three I go....


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