Wek 8 weigh in.....Slow and steady

  • Author Smick
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Only a 0.5 kg loss this week. Down to 104.9 kg.
Have exercised 6/7 days. Up from almost none!
My body is sore.
I have also had the whole week doing my own menu planning. No more Lite'n'Easy. I am doing OK so far with it.
Creeping closer to my goals.
I no longer am feeling any of the nasty side effects of the D. My sleep has regulated and most nights I am getting a decent nights sleep. Also I no longer have the extreme dryness of the throat.
Back to the doctor next Thursday (he is on holidays ATM) to go over my thyroid ultrasound and get a verdict on when I will have to take a 2 week break to get more blood work done. Hopefully I can convince him to let me continue on the D. I have still a long way to go.
I hope everyone is having a great week.
Sharon xoxo

Start Weight: 117 kg (17 June 2014)
Current Weight : 104.9 (-12.1)
Goal Weight: 65 kg
W0 0.0 (117.0)
W1 -4.2 (112.8)
W2 -1.4 (111.4)
W3 -2.2 (109.2)
W4 -1.6 (107.6)
W5 +0.3 (107.9)
W6 -0.5 (107.4)
W7 -2.0 (105.4)
W8 -0.5 (104.9)

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Hey Sharon loss of .5 kg is great :) I'm looking at the big picture you have lost an amazing 12.1 kg wow you must be feeling so proud of yourself:):):) And good on you for tackling your own meal plan... I'm really enjoying planing my meals and cooking it's another part of my life I'm taking back ;) I can remember the last time I went out for a meal so I'm saving money as well .. My husband is now eating healthy at home too so it's a double bonus for us ..I hope all goes well at the doctors have a fantastic week and keep doing what your doing cause it's working and your losing weight :)
You doing gr8 Sharon, just gr8, slow and steady is good thing , hoping to hear good news when you return from the Doc, may your week be even better than this week , go ..go ..goal !!
Yes, you're doing great Sharon! Slow loss protects your skin from sagging, so I'm pretty sure you will not end up with loose skin. That's a benefit if you ask me. Please don't stop! ;) I would love to see your pointer reaches that 65 mark on these little scales. :)
Ally Russell
A loss is a loss, well done!
Awesome determination and perseverance.

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