What to expect?

  • Author Flora
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everybody, I took my first 15mg pill this morning. It is now 10.30 and I have not noticed anything yet. I cannot imagine food is going to be not appealing and I cannot imagine not getting aggressive cravings for sugar or salt after every meal. I weigh 85kg and my height is 1.72. Not as heavy as most of you I reckon but I am/was on a steep weight gain curve and I did not know how to control or deal with it anymore. I feel like someone (doctor) has given me an huge gift that will genuinely help me and boost my weight goals. I intent to not misuse this gift and develop a healthy eating pattern.

Weight goal in 3 month: 65kg!! Is that ridiculous for someone that is planning to eat healthy and regularly whilst on Duramine?

Hope to hear from you all :)


Hi Flora,

Prepare yourself to be amazed by the effect of Duromine :)
You can expect low appetite, which is exactly what you've been looking for, but it can take more than one day so please be patient. Don't worry at this point, the pills don't necessarily work at the very first day, it is OK. We're all different so the body needs time to get used to a new medication and lifestyle. I would say that your goal is great and even achievable, but according to my and others' experience, it is best to begin with mini goals. This way you'll stay motivated and will be proud of every mini goal and weight loss achieved.

I am glad that you have this opportunity to help your body to lose unwanted body weight easier. Just make sure you stick to the proper diet plan and exercises. It is crucial for the good results and healthy body. Duromine should help you make your new healthy eating pattern into a habit, so that later on you can go easily without the pills and maintain the desired body weight.

You can face some side effects of cource, but hopefully they won't appear. If you feel dry mouth, a little bit dizzy, sleeplessness or energy boost - it's kinda normal for the first week on Duromine. But I wish you to experience only the best sides of weight loss with the pills and enjoy your new body soon. Good luck!;)
Best of luck to you, Flora! Nothing to add to Kate’s wise words. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. And if you want to reach your goal, then start working, girl!!! =))) 3 months will fly so fast… Cheers!

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