What's goin on ?????.....Bloated, fingers, feet... YET A HUGE WEIGHT LOSS... ???????????

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi all,
LAST week was crazy, and results were very POOR..
Decided to stopp D for the week and see if I can get my body to just relax..
Had to UP my thyroid meds this week...Not sure if I am dog tired because of no D?? Even having 1 hour naps over the weekend ,which is odd for me in general, {D or no D }
Then I got swollen hands and feet, and this too is odd for me as I did not even swell up like this when I was pregnant with both my kids ...
Decided to get on the scale and I have LOST 1.7kg !!!
Happy ,of course!but concerned about the bloating /swollen extremities ,any thoughts on this ??

Could it be water loss, ?? and not real weight loss? hope you are all having a gr8 week, enjoy all your blog entries, chat soon ...
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Leigh, I would definitely get it checked out. What is the weather like where you are? It could be that. IDK.
Great loss though.
ye Smick ,very hot here at the moment 31 degrees, humid, still acclimating I guess, this is my first Brisbane summer , SO IT COULD BE, drinking loads of water though, too hot to exercise, at moment even at 5:30am .. thinking of exercising at 8:30pm as the house is much cooler, no aircon, to expensive, using fans instead, lol...TODAY was the first day my hubby and daughter said they could see I have lost weight on my butt area, so that got me in a very posItive mood .. STILL CANNOT get my rings on my fingers, but swelling is less..if not down completely by tomorrow will have it checked out, not eating salty things, wondering if it was all the sugar drinks I had .. haha but that is out of my system now.. how you doing Smick ?
Slow and steady here.
Wish our weather would make up its mind.
I think, it's water and hot/humid climat(((
I experience the same, especially when it's too hot. Although my skin seems to get silky and so soft, I still suffer to put on my rings (and I love them! Can't go out without any LOL). You drink more water and the body needs it, so maybe it's a water gain / loss. I suggest you be careful with exercises, the heat overloads your cardiovascular system. It is good that you've chosen 8 p.m. for this. As soon as you feel dizzy - stop exercising immediately!
Hope you will feel better soon. ;)
Yep I agree with Sharon get the doctor to check you out and wow fantastic loss... Brissy summer weather is very humid ... You should live on the East Coast hot but not humid ;) then we could walk together ;)
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