When the scales don't go high enough...

  • Author NaturalBokeh
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
After days of being pestered by my mother over the phone, I decide to step on the scales to see how bad the damage is; the scales return an error - I guess that's me off the hook. Not that I would ever share my weight with her. I'm 37, not 7. My weight, my life.
Was it really my life? I stop, I breathe, memories flood back to how amazing my life used to be and how dumb I was to not see that changing until it was too late.
I book in with my GP who immediately recommends surgery - it's the new "easy fix" - I explain that every time I have needed "keyhole surgery" I've ended up being completely opened up and required weeks of recovery afterwards. I don't have the luxury of being able to afford the time off.
He then suggests Duromine. Hesitant, I agree that at this point, that's my best option. He asks me to step on the scales - 160kg! The last time I stepped on scales was 12 months ago and then I weighed 147kg. I feel nauseated just thinking about it. No wonder I don't have a partner or my own family (no children). My GP can see that thoughts are speeding through my mind - he knows I have bipolar tendencies and asks if I'm still seeing my psychologist, I confirm that I see her at least once a month.
Today is my second day on duromine. I haven't lost my appetite, but I am thirstier, a lot less tired and a little more motivated. Sleep doesn't happen at normal times anymore - hence this post.
I can't share with family or friends so this blog will be my accountability on my journey from 160kg to 95kg.


Hi NaturalBokeh,

Thanks for sharing your story!:kissing_heart:
You know what, we've all been there and I can imagine what you felt before starting your Duromine journey. However, you've already made a big step towards your new body and a new life.

It's great that you feel more motivated now. Try to be more active during the day, drink plenty of water, and take Duromine as early, as possible (5-6 a.m. is the best time) to avoid sleep problems.

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2 min read
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