Who am I??

  • Author jDad4509
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
As my first blog entry let me tell you a bit about myself.
  • I am a father of 8 children, 6 by birth and 2 by adoption.
  • I have been married to my sweetheart for 20 years this coming March (2014).
  • I love my family so very much, they are my life.
  • When I was married I weighed about 75kgs and thought myself "fat" then.
  • At 45 I now weigh 114.3kgs.
  • Over the last few years I have tried everything to lose weight - Atkins, Tony Ferguson etc etc etc. While these have allowed me to lose weight but I have put it back on fairly quickly after stopping. I believe this has happened because I have not taken the opportunity to change my lifestyle while losing the weight.
  • This year I am going to take the chance to take control of my weight and food issues and work on changing my lifestyle as well as controlling my weight.
Using this blog will give me a chance to put who I am and how I am progressing out there.

Lets see how we go.


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