The Forum administration has put a lot of effort into providing safety for buyers.
However, we were informed that a scammer appeared among the Registered Members.
Therefore, from now on threads of Premium Sellers should contain NO PERSONAL INFORMATION from buyers.
If you want to buy from a Premium Seller, write them a Personal Message and leave your contact information there.
Or you can place your purchase request in the section BUY and Sellers will contact you with their offers.
All requests for purchase in the sellers' threads will be removed.
You are welcome to share your feedback about the seller and their service.
Thank you for understanding and best of luck on your way!
However, we were informed that a scammer appeared among the Registered Members.
Therefore, from now on threads of Premium Sellers should contain NO PERSONAL INFORMATION from buyers.
If you want to buy from a Premium Seller, write them a Personal Message and leave your contact information there.
Or you can place your purchase request in the section BUY and Sellers will contact you with their offers.
All requests for purchase in the sellers' threads will be removed.
You are welcome to share your feedback about the seller and their service.
Thank you for understanding and best of luck on your way!