Duromine and Stomach Issues

  • Thread starter AliMcBealEatAMeal
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Standard Member
Jun 3, 2015
Hello, bit of a personal Q, but wondered if anyone experienced loose bowels / increased loo trips the first day taking duromine? Did this continue of so? First day today and I've had 3 trips but eaten almost nothing. I'm just wondering if this is a side affect or not
i've gone through 2 rolls today if that says anything between peeing and #2's i'm so over the toilet rofl Day 1 here too.
beatlebum said:
i've gone through 2 rolls today if that says anything between peeing and #2's i'm so over the toilet rofl Day 1 here too.

Thats hilarious, and glad Im not alone! I haven't gone through quite that much, but I may be close by the end of the day :p Hopefully its something that settles down!
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It has to be all the water, it better get better lol I remember from last time i tried it the first few days were the worst for it and it seemed to settle down lol
I haven't even drunk any water. Whoops. I haven't been thirsty. Must drink some tomorrow!
oh i've gone through liters hahaha funny how it affects people differently. Other than dry mouth and getting ready to set up camp for the night in the loo i've been alright. just kidding about the loo but sure feels like it lol
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On my first day I think I went 3 times. Then didn't go again until 4 days later
Im still not thirsty... is this something I should be addressing? I skulled 1L before bed last night (2x 500ml) simply because I hadn't had any all day and felt I should... then was up all night going to the loo, of course ;) It sounds silly I know, but I really don't drink much water normally... should I try to drink a couple of litres a day even if not thirsty while on D?
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Not sure the first day always throws me through the loop, i skipped yesterdays because i was just feeling like a truck hit me thanks to kids sharing their germs. Today I'm not as racey and i can go more than 5 mins with out a drink. I know for me this is usual as my body adjusts as i've been on Duro before years back. My sure fire sign as everything tapers side effect wise is my heart is still working harder so i know the medication is working even if i'm not experiencing any other side effect. Toilet situation... sooooo much better today thank god was thinking i was going to have to go get some immodium at one point. If your not getting your water in set alarms on your phone each hour to drink half a glass eventually it'll be habit and you won't need the prompting. what do they say 30 days to lose a habit 60 to create new ones or something like that.
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oh and water bottles i take one everywhere lol then it's just there staring at you to drink it lol
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AliMcBealEatAMeal said:
Im still not thirsty... is this something I should be addressing? I skulled 1L before bed last night (2x 500ml) simply because I hadn't had any all day and felt I should... then was up all night going to the loo, of course ;) It sounds silly I know, but I really don't drink much water normally... should I try to drink a couple of litres a day even if not thirsty while on D?

Well, this was obviously written BEFORE I drank about 4L yesterday! I had a fair bit of exercise, and it was quite warm, so that helped. Followed by a lot of nocturnal toilet trips :p Sick, sick, sick today (head cold) but have had a litre, so maybe thirst isn't going to be a side affect for me? Zero energy today - perhaps I overdid it at tennis yesterday? On the dark side... none of those OTHER toilet stops for me today. Hope its not going to go the opposite way and need some immodium!
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7th day today and the toilet is my new best friend :p I see it as a good thing though, its like all my toxins are rid of my body :)
Day one here not feeling thirsty but am trying to drink. Still feeling hungry is this normal for anyone else?
katep said:
7th day today and the toilet is my new best friend :p I see it as a good thing though, its like all my toxins are rid of my body :)

Hope it's eased up for you now Kate! Bloody toilet trips! :p
can't wait to start said:
Day one here not feeling thirsty but am trying to drink. Still feeling hungry is this normal for anyone else?

I'm not thirsty either (I'm not usually a big water drinker anyway) and appetite was back by day 3 or 4. Like, really back. I was starving! Portion size was so small compared to usual though, so now I just eat whenever I feel like it, as I'm still below my 1000-1200 calories a day :)
Hey guys,
So I did one month of 30mgs last year and it was working great towards the end of the pack I noticed I started getting very bloated. Ever since Im always bloated, Gassy, constipated and it doesn’t matter what I eat! Doctors are saying it’s Irratable bowel syndrome but I’m not sure! Does anyone know if the duromine caused this ? Thanks so much xx
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Yes it can @jasmineCamilleri!

A lot of people most definitely have problems with bloating and constipation when using Duromine. Really have a look at your fibre intake. I ended up purchasing OxyPowder which is a godsend! Gentle on the stomach and no running to the loo!
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Didi88 said:
Just a guide to help maintain a healthier diet!

:idea: If anyone is having problems with constipation, remember to have high fibre and vitamin C (Oranges are best)
Oh wow thanks. Just what I might need..
Prune juice is also a great option!
Smashsh, this article can help you to get familiar with the frequent Duromine adverse reactions and find out how to deal with these.:kissing_heart:
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