Duromine And Type 1 Diabetes.


Clare Ladlay

New Member
Standard Member
Aug 14, 2017
Tomorrow I start my lot of 15mg Duromine. I am diabetic and been overweight as long as I can remember. I have heard so much about duromine in the past but was always too scared to ask my doctor in case she said no and crushed my dreams! I finally plucked the courage this afternoon and got a prescription. I am very nervous it won't work for me as I have heard and read many things about it not working for people, also concerned about being on the lowest dosage... oh well! There is definitely no harm in trying!

I feel like I have tried everything under the sun for the last 5 years trying to loose weight but eventually give up because I don't see any results. My biggest issue is eating and hoping that Being on this will suppress my appetite!

Will be posting in this thread to keep track on my progress and any side effects I come across! Keep your fingers crossed for me xoxo

Starting weight: 99.5kg
Goal: 70kg
Mini goal: loose 10kgs
Hello Clare! I will keep my fingers crossed and will hope that you will finally manage to shift your weight and that Duromine does provide you with the appetite suppression that you need so much. If you want the greatest results, you should do your best to immediately introduce positive changes to your habits and lifestyle. Best of luck!
Hi. I have only started on Duromine today but I was wondering if anyone had a similar story. My weight gain is mostly related to the insulin I take for my Type 1 diabetes. My insulin doses were increased and I have gained 7 - 8kg in about 6 weeks. I already exercise fairly consistently and mostly eat a healthy diet that is not high in calories but have not lost any of the weight. Has anyone had success loosing weight when the issue hasn't been been because of diet? Thanks for any advice!
Hey there
My situation is similar but different to yours. Mine is the opposite. I am quite severely hypoglycaemic so I require way more sugar than the normal person. Unfortunately it means I need far more glucose/high calorie foods to avoid passing out. Obviously this is bad for weight gain so I am now desperately trying to lose 15-20kg.
I don't really have any advice other than trying to maintain a low calorie diet and keep checking your BSI.
Duromine is a bit scary for me as I am often forgetting to eat resulting in bad lows so I'm being overly vigilant with pricking a couple times a day.

Good luck. It's much harder to lose weight when you already have a health condition but you can get there!
Hopefully with weight loss you Diabetes might even be easier to manage?

All the best!
Thanks Daisy. Thanks. Good Luck with you weight loss too!
Hi Clare. How is it going? Does Duromine work for you? do you see any results now that you are approaching the end of your first month on Duromine?
Hi Clare! It’s one month since you were going to start Duromine course! Excited to hear about your sensations and results! Hopefully, everything went nice and smooth. Are you going for another 4-week Duromine course?

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