Michy_O said:
I’ve change up my diet, I’m currently july cooking to freeze healthy meals. I have a 1 and 3 year old so lots of pasta and starch at night but I’m going to start eating different meals. I’m making chick pea and butter but soup. Green soup. I have green smoothies for breakfast, I’ve cut out dairy and sugar. I’ve started rebound exercise classes 3 times a week. If I can just stick to it and not snack I’m sure I’m on the right road! I know the pill is not a magic pill and I have to do the work I just felt I needed a bit of help with snacking. It’s hard with my small children to not snack.
I have increased the dosage after month 1. But if you don't feel cravings it means that it works. Duromine just the beginning of your journey, it helps you to stay on track and suppress your appetite. then it's your turn. Your daily routine sounds rather good. I hope you enjoy your weight loss progress!
How are you feeling today? No side effects?
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Michy_O said:
I’ve change up my diet, I’m currently july cooking to freeze healthy meals. I have a 1 and 3 year old so lots of pasta and starch at night but I’m going to start eating different meals. I’m making chick pea and butter but soup. Green soup. I have green smoothies for breakfast, I’ve cut out dairy and sugar. I’ve started rebound exercise classes 3 times a week. If I can just stick to it and not snack I’m sure I’m on the right road! I know the pill is not a magic pill and I have to do the work I just felt I needed a bit of help with snacking. It’s hard with my small children to not snack.
I like your diet! I would suggest you eating healthy snacks also. Here are some ideas for you:

Opt for low-sugar, low-fat yogurt, and add 0.5 cups of naturally sweet blueberries to it for fiber. Blueberries are high in antioxidants, fiber, and yogurt is rich in calcium and protein. It is the perfect combination to energize the body.
Nutritional information: 120 calories, 15 g protein, 10 g sugar, 0 g fat, 1.6 g fiber.

Eating fresh vegetables such as cherry tomatoes improves digestion, strengthens the immune system, and improves skin condition.
Nutritional information for one plate of cherry tomatoes and 25-30 grams of roasted pine nuts: 190 calories, 19 g of fat (total 1 g saturated), 5 g of protein, 5 g of sugar, 3 g of fiber.

Olives are full of vegetable fats that saturate for a longer time.
Nutritional information for seven olives: 140 calories, 14 g fat (mostly saturated).

Sweet potatoes are a source of vitamins A and C. Cook medium sweet potatoes for about 8 minutes (cooking times may vary), sprinkle with plain low-fat yogurt, add cinnamon for a nutritious and delicious hunger-satisfying snack.
Nutritional information for one medium potato and 2 tbsp. Low-fat plain yogurt: about 190 calories, 0 g fat, 15 g sugar, 6 g protein, 7 g fiber.

This flavorful snack is easy to make with just the food in the fridge. Cut open the tomato, top with a slice of mozzarella, fresh basil and drizzle a little olive oil for a balanced and nutritious snack.
Nutritional information per serving: about 180 calories, 5 g fat, 5 g protein, 2 g fiber.
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Ashleigh7441 said:
I have increased the dosage after month 1. But if you don't feel cravings it means that it works. Duromine just the beginning of your journey, it helps you to stay on track and suppress your appetite. then it's your turn. Your daily routine sounds rather good. I hope you enjoy your weight loss progress!
How are you feeling today? No side effects

I feel great! Today is day 3 and feel go. Slight side affects but nothing crazy! Craving at gone. I’ve exercised twice in these 3 days and stuck to a very good eating plan. Making food in build has helped a heap! I’ve stuck to green smoothies, green soups, butternut and chick pea soup and roasted chicken in the lady 3 days with fruit as a snack if needed. 3L of water. And I’ve also ready lost 1.5kgs so I’m pretty happy. I know it’s mostly water but I’m happy with the over all of it. Finding a way of eating that agrees with me :)
Oh wow
StacyB said:
I like your diet! I would suggest you eating healthy snacks also. Here are some ideas for you:

Opt for low-sugar, low-fat yogurt, and add 0.5 cups of naturally sweet blueberries to it for fiber. Blueberries are high in antioxidants, fiber, and yogurt is rich in calcium and protein. It is the perfect combination to energize the body.
Nutritional information: 120 calories, 15 g protein, 10 g sugar, 0 g fat, 1.6 g fiber.

Eating fresh vegetables such as cherry tomatoes improves digestion, strengthens the immune system, and improves skin condition.
Nutritional information for one plate of cherry tomatoes and 25-30 grams of roasted pine nuts: 190 calories, 19 g of fat (total 1 g saturated), 5 g of protein, 5 g of sugar, 3 g of fiber.

Olives are full of vegetable fats that saturate for a longer time.
Nutritional information for seven olives: 140 calories, 14 g fat (mostly saturated).

Sweet potatoes are a source of vitamins A and C. Cook medium sweet potatoes for about 8 minutes (cooking times may vary), sprinkle with plain low-fat yogurt, add cinnamon for a nutritious and delicious hunger-satisfying snack.
Nutritional information for one medium potato and 2 tbsp. Low-fat plain yogurt: about 190 calories, 0 g fat, 15 g sugar, 6 g protein, 7 g fiber.

This flavorful snack is easy to make with just the food in the fridge. Cut open the tomato, top with a slice of mozzarella, fresh basil and drizzle a little olive oil for a balanced and nutritious snack.
Nutritional information per serving: about 180 calories, 5 g fat, 5 g protein, 2 g fiber.
thanks for the tips ! :) love some of those! I’ve cut sugar and dairy from my diet for now. But can definitely replace. I’m been snacking on fruit :)
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I love Duromine 15 mg because being quite effective, it rarely causes side effects. The only side effect I had was dry mouth during the first week of my treatment.
What are your side effects, @Michy_O?
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Michy_O said:
Oh wow

thanks for the tips ! :) love some of those! I’ve cut sugar and dairy from my diet for now. But can definitely replace. I’m been snacking on fruit :)
You are welcome, dear! Feel free to ask here if you have any questions ;)
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I love Duromine 15 mg because being quite effective, it rarely causes side effects. The only side effect I had was dry mouth during the first week of my treatment.
April said:
What are your side effects, @Michy_O?
Hello April

I’m actually very happy mt dc gave me 15m. Cravings gone, slight side affects, slight dry mouth, a little spaced out and a little hot. Other wise perfectly fine and already lost 1.8kgs. I am being very stocked with my eating and exercise :)
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Michy_O said:
I love Duromine 15 mg because being quite effective, it rarely causes side effects. The only side effect I had was dry mouth during the first week of my treatment.

Hello April

I’m actually very happy mt dc gave me 15m. Cravings gone, slight side affects, slight dry mouth, a little spaced out and a little hot. Other wise perfectly fine and already lost 1.8kgs. I am being very stocked with my eating and exercise :)
That's great!
Here are solutions for dry mouth on Duromine:
  • Consume larger amounts of water when you feel your mouth getting dry
  • Rinse your mouth with water or suck on ice cubes
  • Consume products that stimulate saliva secretion, like sour fruits, chewy vegetables, hard cheese varieties
  • Chew sugar-free gum
First day on 30mg. Woke up and took at 5am, after not feeling anything I went back to snooze for a little longer an hr later and still nothing now since I’ve woken back up at 7:30. hoping it’ll kick in at some point today.. suspense is annoying now!
Amelia1 said:
First day on 30mg. Woke up and took at 5am, after not feeling anything I went back to snooze for a little longer an hr later and still nothing now since I’ve woken back up at 7:30. hoping it’ll kick in at some point today.. suspense is annoying now!
On my second day I slept after taking it but I also had bad temps with it as well. Every day has been fine since. You're not going to get a mad rush, feel it when it instantly kicks in... it’s slow releasing to last all day. You may just notice later in the day your feel very much awake....
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Antonia said:
On my second day I slept after taking it but I also had bad temps with it as well. Every day has been fine since. You're not going to get a mad rush, feel it when it instantly kicks in... it’s slow releasing to last all day. You may just notice later in the day your feel very much awake....
Ah! I guess I was expecting the rush and paranoid from reading side effects and expecting something bad to happen. heading out for a big bike ride now so will see how things progress. Thanks for feedback!
Amelia1 said:
Ah! I guess I was expecting the rush and paranoid from reading side effects and expecting something bad to happen. heading out for a big bike ride now so will see how things progress. Thanks for feedback!
get that heart pumping :laughing: Let me know how you go with sleeping tonight.
Hey, @Amelia1! Welcome to the board!
We all are different, thus it may take different times to start working. Not all of us experience the side effects, you may not feel it at all during your whole weight loss journey. And it's absolutely normal!
Duromine should suppress your appetite. That's how it works! But it may take even a week or two to feel the progress.
Don't forget to drink water, eat healthily and be active.
One more piece of advice - make measurements. It helps better to see the results.
Amelia1 said:
First day on 30mg. Woke up and took at 5am, after not feeling anything I went back to snooze for a little longer an hr later and still nothing now since I’ve woken back up at 7:30. hoping it’ll kick in at some point today.. suspense is annoying now!

I was expecting similar, but I've read it can take up to 3-4 hours to actively work. Am in glad I'm not speedy though.
I'm taking mine at 630am. Last night was my first night. I took 1/4 restavit after falling to sleep and waking an hour later wide awake... It got me another 7 hours of interrupted sleep.

I've not felt any rush, more whoozy, however I notice when I do start an activity I can keep going on to another and another. My focus is off and I'm easily distracted. My vision is off too, needing my glasses.
Hunger still there but volume of food is definitely down. And I'm thirsty

I'm making sure I have brekki, lunch and dinner.
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4eyesinajar said:
I was expecting similar, but I've read it can take up to 3-4 hours to actively work. Am in glad I'm not speedy though.
I'm taking mine at 630am. Last night was my first night. I took 1/4 restavit after falling to sleep and waking an hour later wide awake... It got me another 7 hours of interrupted sleep.

I've not felt any rush, more whoozy, however I notice when I do start an activity I can keep going on to another and another. My focus is off and I'm easily distracted. My vision is off too, needing my glasses.
Hunger still there but volume of food is definitely down. And I'm thirsty

I'm making sure I have brekki, lunch and dinner.
Did the side effects go away?
@Amelia1, how was your day 6?
I really hope that you're just the one who doesn't have any side effects at all :)
barnz said:
Did the side effects go away?
I'm on day 6 and am considering stopping after a week if I don't start to feel a sense of normal for me.
I'm taking it at 530-630am, eating brekki around 8am.

Head feels slightly less whoozy, but I attempted to have a conversation with someone yesterday and forgot words, couldn't remember names...
No more energy than I usually have.
My vision is much better.
I'm no longer feeling hungry, my stomach is rumbling but I'm not having hunger pangs. Portions are smaller.
Thirst is crazy and I get dizzy if I ignore it.
Day 1

I had my capsul in the morning at 4am until 10 pm
At night no symptoms apart from Dry mouth . Even tho I slept at 4pm for 2 hours and also I am feeling hungry too
Let’s see how it goes
My weight is 111.6 kgs
mahiurs1 said:
Day 1

I had my capsul in the morning at 4am until 10 pm
At night no symptoms apart from Dry mouth . Even tho I slept at 4pm for 2 hours and also I am feeling hungry too
Let’s see how it goes
My weight is 111.6 kgs
Hello, dear @mahiurs1! Welcome to the board!
Dry mouth and insomnia are quite common side effects for the first days. To avoid dry mouth, drink plenty of water and use chewing gum. To skip insomnia, take your pills the first thing in the morning (5 AM, for example) and then go back to sleep. If you feel cravings, try eating 5-6 times a day but with fewer portions.
Here is useful information about the most frequent side effects of Duromine and how to avoid them - https://ngu.team/blog/duromine-side-effects/
I wish you a successful weight loss journey, dear!
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