Duromine & Pcos - My Weight Loss Journey



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Jul 9, 2014
Hi everybody, I have been reading this forum and all the posts and responses for a while, and finally decided to join! It has really helped me make a decision as far as Duromine is concerned.
I was diagnosed with PSOS, and are receiving treatment for this, but my doctor still refused to give me Duromine. I have tried to lose weight for more than 2 years now, follow a healthy eating plan with daily exercise, but no results. I really want to get back to my pre-psos weight, but nothing seemed to work.
I started using Duromine a week ago, and had my first weigh-in yesterday, and lost 1.5kg! It is not as much as some people seem to lose, but for me it is the first time in years I see any results, so I am super happy with it!
Is there anybody else on here who has the same condition as I do? I would love to hear how it affected your weight and how the Duromine works with it - any advise would be great
Do you mean Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) if you do, I also have same condition.
My GP started me on Duromine 30, I gained lots of weight while I was pregnant :/
So far I lost 5 kg in 2 weeks, I don't snack as much and I eat healthy. I also started to walk everyday for 1 hr, I don't have any bad side affects only dry mouth, I can sleep well and I noticed that my body is alert and I have lots of energy. I haven't been cranky like some would say, I'm pretty happy and excited when I lose weight. I have lost lots of body fat too, I can tell by my clothes 5 kg makes a difference, anyways just remember to eat, and when you eat, eat healthy don't skip breakfast drink your water anyways you will if you have dry mouth. And congrats on the weight loss its not easy to lose weight if you suffer from pcos, I know for sure. Good luck keep going.
Hi everyone

So I took my first 30mg Duromine pill today. Been a little thirsty but nothing bad yet and fingers crossed that's as bad as it'll get lol

Im the biggest I've ever been in my life and have managed to put on 40kgs in the last couple of years! I feel like I was a bit delusional because I didn't really notice it.

I suffer from anxiety and am on antidepressants at the moment also. Has anyone been able to manage their anxiety ok whilst on Duromine? I see it has caused a lot of issues for ppl without anxiety

Just wondering if any one else here with PCOS has had much success with Duromine?

Anyway, I'm feeling hopeful at the minute :)
I take antidepressants and I am on duromine and it has made no difference so far, only been 1 week though, but honestly feeling better in yourself and your body outweighs the side effects they say that come with duromine I.E the moods and the no sleep. For 3 months you're changing your lifestyle and will feel more confident which then will help with anxiety :) so I wouldn't worry about it too much!
KaylaLouiseHeyen said:
I take antidepressants and I am on duromine and it has made no difference so far, only been 1 week though, but honestly feeling better in yourself and your body outweighs the side effects they say that come with duromine I.E the moods and the no sleep. For 3 months you're changing your lifestyle and will feel more confident which then will help with anxiety :) so I wouldn't worry about it too much!

Thanks, that good to know it hasn't interfered with your meds. I'm just paranoid by nature I guess lol
I think you really just need to listen to your body, as much as you want to lose weight if you feel it is going to effect your mental health using the medication then it's really not good to use it. I also use a fat burner supplement as well in the morning which is a mood enhancer, maybe you could look at getting something like that?

Please see your doctor if you feel a bad change in your anxiety and he/she may put you on a lower dose!
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I am on duramine and suffer from anixety and ive lost 18kilos so far in 12 weeks. And feeling great. I also have pcos and ive been losing steadly. Hope that helps
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dakotasmum said:
I am on duramine and suffer from anixety and ive lost 18kilos so far in 12 weeks. And feeling great. I also have pcos and ive been losing steadly. Hope that helps
Cheers for that :)
I have lost 2.1kg already, I assume it's just "water weight"? I injured my back in the weekend so it's really frustrating that I can't do much exercise apart from verrrry slow walking
For the 12 weeks i have done no exercise lol . But i dont sit down and relax until bout 6pm. Keep your self moving.
Hi everyone im 21 years old and just over 12 months ago i weighed around the 90kg mark (172cm tall) still overweight but back then i wasnt doing much about it. Then in the space of 12 months my father passed away, i found out i had pcos, i got fired from my job for being depressed and my partner and i had 3 failed rounds of ovulation induction. I had hit the 110-112kg mark by this point. And i just had a wake up call i guess you can say. We stopped ttc and focused on getting me healthy and happy for the rest of the year in the last 6 weeks I've lost roughly 6kgs on my own and then the doc put me on duromine to stop me feeling constantly hungry and going for the snacks.

So here i am at 104kgs as of today and took my first pill of 30mg this morning at 7am im not sure if im having side effects or its just coincidence but today i wasnt hungry! First time ever! I still had my 3 meals but i was satisfied and didnt think i needed food in between. Dry mouth maybe? I drink a fair amount of water on a regular day and the weather is heating up. I couldn't sit down all day which was good because i was in town all day running errands and then 3pm came and i was exhausted tried to stay awake for as long as possible but by 5pm i was out woke at 6 for dinner and now im in bed again still tired but not exhausted like before... so far so good i think :)
myweightlossjourny said:
Hi everyone im 21 years old and just over 12 months ago i weighed around the 90kg mark (172cm tall) still overweight but back then i wasnt doing much about it. Then in the space of 12 months my father passed away, i found out i had pcos, i got fired from my job for being depressed and my partner and i had 3 failed rounds of ovulation induction. I had hit the 110-112kg mark by this point. And i just had a wake up call i guess you can say. We stopped ttc and focused on getting me healthy and happy for the rest of the year in the last 6 weeks I've lost roughly 6kgs on my own and then the doc put me on duromine to stop me feeling constantly hungry and going for the snacks.

So here i am at 104kgs as of today and took my first pill of 30mg this morning at 7am im not sure if im having side effects or its just coincidence but today i wasnt hungry! First time ever! I still had my 3 meals but i was satisfied and didnt think i needed food in between. Dry mouth maybe? I drink a fair amount of water on a regular day and the weather is heating up. I couldn't sit down all day which was good because i was in town all day running errands and then 3pm came and i was exhausted tried to stay awake for as long as possible but by 5pm i was out woke at 6 for dinner and now im in bed again still tired but not exhausted like before... so far so good i think :)
I am sorry to hear about all the sadness you had in your life the past year.:( You are still so young.
It is a very good decision you and your partner took to focus on your health first.
Lovely to hear you had no side effects. And YES, not being hungry is the whole idea and the desired side effect:laughing:
Keep us posted:)
Thankyou, yep I've had a rough trott this year but i want the last 3 months to be happy and motivating into the new year my goal is 90kg by the end of the year :)

Day 2: well last night i didn't sleep well at all (i didnt exercise yesterday tho) i took the pill at 7am again and fell asleep until 9am and when i woke up i wasn't tired at all despite the little sleep i had. I took my 2 large dogs for a walk and it definitely isnt a stroll with them haha i do this 6km walk regularly but today i was sweating like a pig my mum said it lookee like i ran the whole way haha is this a symptom? The weather is heating up but it was still early morning..
3:30pm and im not exhausted like i was yesterday and wont need a cat nap so may have a better chance of sleeping tonight lets see...
Day 3 and i weighed myself today and it says I've lost 2kgs! Im not sure if i should believe it or not lol i won't officially record it until day 7... yesterday i hadn't lost anything (didnt bother me i only just started it i just like to check) go for a big walk and do a few at home exercises like sit ups squats push ups ect ect.

So if this weight loss is true exercise definitely speeds things along...i was already eating fairly healthy before just too much of it hence being prescribed duromine and i feel like im watching everything i put in my mouth evan more now.

As far as symptoms go i feel great no moodiness or anything i do only get about 4-5 hours sleep tho and when i wake at 7 to take the tablet i can barely open my eyes but once it kicks in im full of energy again.. a little dry mouth not what i expected tho its getting hot here 35+ this week so im drinking alot anyway
Day 5 and all the symptoms are gone i sleep fine now im less tired then i used to be and do start to get hungry in the afternoon again now i just have to tell my myself no I've had my lunch i dont need any more food... maybe i need to up my dosage to the 40mg im still exercising but its hard to do too much when its 40° here lately. The weight i lost the other day was nothing as im still 104kg today must of just been an odd day. Pretty disappointed
Day 8 now and its finally kicking in and doing its job after what i thought was me not loosing weight the last couple of days its kicked in yay!

SW 104kg
CW 101.5kg
GW by Christmas 90kg

I hope im in double digits next week!
Hi everyone!

I am on day 4 of 30mg. Ever since I hit puberty, I have struggled with weight - I put it on just thinking about food, but fight like hell just to rid myself of half a kilo. Turns out that PCOS has been the culprit!

I have been eating in accordance to the CSIRO diet, but have recently had it modified by a dietitian to help manage my PCOS. I am also seeing an exercise physiologist to oversee my work outs.

Overall, I feel like a new person on Duramine. I have my energy back, and I no longer feel tired and run down everyday (I can't actually remember feeling this well before, and I am 32).

I am anxious though, as I have had so many failed weight-loss attempts in the past - I am so scared that even with duramine, I won't get results. I have read posts from people who have lost kg's by the 4th day, but I haven't lost any more than maybe 500g (and even that feels questionable).

I am keeping a food and exersize diary, and am reasonably positive - after all, I AM feeling pretty amazing - I just wish it was pretty amazing and losing weight lol

Am I just being paranoid and impatient?
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End of 1st week stats:

Weight loss = 1.5kg
Lost from waist = 4.5cm
Lost from hips = 2cm
Lost from thigh = 1cm

I couldn't be more surprised! Couldn't be happier. It's been a pretty good week. Racing heart has settled down, and am sleeping a little better. I got my period this week and have been feeling pretty bloaty (first decent period in 5 years) so wasn't expecting to see much change when I weighed and measured. This has been just the confidence boost I needed.

Can't wait to see next week's results!
Hi Bam Bam, yesterday morning was the start of day 12 for me and was my first weighed day since starting 30mg..

SW: 78.5kg
CW: 76.0
GW: 58

Am 154cm short

I feel a little disheartened as I too have read entries and see many have lost bucket loads on no time.. but i suppose a slower shedding rate is more positive in the long-term..?? Good to be conscientious enough to seek Dr's help.. so good on us for that, right..!!!
Let's keep eachother in positive thought and continue to celebrate every loss.. no matter how quaint how great is it going to feel to fit into clothes that we feel good wearing!!
Deanna78 said:
Hi Bam Bam, yesterday morning was the start of day 12 for me and was my first weighed day since starting 30mg..

SW: 78.5kg
CW: 76.0
GW: 58

Am 154cm short

I feel a little disheartened as I too have read entries and see many have lost bucket loads on no time.. but i suppose a slower shedding rate is more positive in the long-term..?? Good to be conscientious enough to seek Dr's help.. so good on us for that, right..!!!
Let's keep eachother in positive thought and continue to celebrate every loss.. no matter how quaint how great is it going to feel to fit into clothes that we feel good wearing!!
Hi deanna!

Well done on the loss! A loss is a loss, right? The way I have started looking at it is that if I were to see myself gain as much as I have lost in the same time, I would be extremely worried and devastated. So in that respect, we are doing very well to lose it instead of gain it :) small victories, and hooray for us! :)

Looking forward to sharing our journey - keep up the great work!
Hi Bam Bam.. yes, you're right.. a loss is a loss! Better than a gain as you say! How much are you hoping to lose..? I would be happy with 15kg over the 3 months.. but would really really like 20 gone.. it's exciting to be on this mission.. even though it seems sooooo slow.. how great for us to be able to look back om this time in a few month's time and KNOW it has all been worth it..!! Looking forward to hearing of your progress! ☺

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