First Week Down!! Results



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Standard Member
Oct 25, 2012
Newcastle, Australia
Week 1

Starting Weight: 129kg

Current Weight: 120.3kg

Loss: 8.7kg

I Finally worked up the courage to start taking Duromine 15 mg last week and I couldn't be happier!
I was a little bit worried about the side effects but the only one I have really experienced at the moment has been a really dry mouth!
Also i'm sweating a lot more than I normally would.
I have cut out all sugar and I very rarely have any carbs. I eat roughly 6 small meals a day.
I have been sleeping 8 hours every night and I don't find it hard at all to go to sleep, I wouldn't say I have a lot more energy than I normally do, I still feel pretty much the same as I would if I wasn't on Duromine.
But all in all I'm very happy with my results, I'm hoping that it keeps up and I continue losing weight even if it starts coming off slowly. A loss is a loss :)

I can't wait to see where I am at this time next week. :laughing:
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OMG! 8.7Kg in ONE WEEK! That's not coming off slowly at all Ashley, you are shedding the kilos off! WELL DONE! ;)
I am starting back on the Duromine tomorrow and I hope to get great results like yourself.

Cheers ;)
Thankyou :)
Yeah I couldn't believe how much I had lost in 1 week!! It is coming off a lot slower at the moment though, but i'm still losing weight so I cant complain :)
I hope you get the same results as I have too, good luck :laughing:
Week 2!

Starting weight: 129kg
Current weight: 118.3kg

Loss 10.7kg

So my weight loss has slowed down a lot compared to the first week but i'm still losing so, Im stoked with the results :)
Side effects this week have been, dry mouth, sweating and I have been a little bit light headed and sick in the stomach a few days this week but i'm feeling fine at the moment.
I'm still sleeping around 8 hours a night, I have had quite a bit of broken sleep the past week but I tend to fall straight back to sleep.

Can't wait to see what next week brings :)
Hey AshleyJayne, looks like you're going really well!! Seriously hoping I have similar results. I started yesterday and am super excited. Do you do any exercise other than every day stuff? Good luck and look forward to seeing your results here :)
Thankyou :)
I have only exercised 3 times since I have been on it lol and all I do is stepping for 30min on my Wii.
I hope you get similar results too, It's very exciting!

Also... Amity as in The Amity Affliction??
Thanks! So do I lol and YES I'm an Amity lover :)
Week 3

Starting Weight: 129Kg
Current Weight: 116.8kg

Loss: 12.2Kg

I haven't really made a goal weight that I would like to get to, I figure once I'm happy with the way I look, the numbers wont bother me too much.
But at the moment I am focused on losing 30Kg, I'm almost half way there so it just keeps making me push every day to make the right choices!
The last week I have had quite a few people tell me that I am looking great, It makes it that little bit easier to keep going :)
Week 4

Starting Weight: 129Kg
Current Weight: 113.8Kg

Loss 15.2Kg :)

Couldn't be happier with my results! I was hoping to get to the 15Kg mark by week 4 and I have done it :laughing:
Back to the doctors today to get some more duromine, I can only hope my next month will go just as well :)
Hi there - I am starting on Duromine 30mg (chemist gave me Metermine but said it's exactly the same) today after doing alot of research I think I am well aware of the side affects and what to expect. Slightly nervous, slightly excited.

Height: 167cm
Starting weight: 77kg - I normally sit around 74-75kg
Goal weight: 65kg

I took my first pill at 9am (I plan to take it at 6am to decrease the risk of sleepless nights but I only got my prescription filled at 8:00am this morning). I didn't notice any difference, I never eat breakfast but I forced myself to have a couple of cruskits and cheese. About two hours later at 11am I noticed a huge energy hit and I spent about an hour and half dancing with my three year old on the Xbox Kinect Dance game LOL. I'm still feeling pretty energetic and motivated at 2.12pm and not at all hungry.. I normally would be snacking by now.
I hate drinking water and I always opt for juice or ice tea but I went and bought some Spring water and have so far had about 600ml since I took my pill and I'm now craving more water STRANGE, I definitely have a dry mouth. The real test will be when my partner gets home and eats his chocolate and lollies after tea as we do every night... but I wont be.
That's it for now - hopefully update in a few more days :)

Keep motivated people =)
So I've just finished my first week on duromine and loving the results so far!!

I'm on Metermine 15mg tablet once a day.

Starting weight- 79kgs
Current weight- 73.5kgs
so I have lost 5.5kg in the first week yay!! This was my first goal,

My second goal is to lose 10kgs in the first 6 weeks, and another 10kgs in the last 6 weeks making my total weightloss 20kgs in 3 months.
14.5kgs to go, I can do this!!

Daily intake for the past week- I've been starting my day everyday with bread ;) I have 1 whole grain honey toast with a glass of water.
Lunch- fruit salad
Dinner- 100g of oven baked chicken or steak with a big salad OR weight watchers meal worth 350 calories. Although last night I did eat some spaghetti bolognase :p and if I'm hungry I have a nectarine or peach any time.

My daily calories ranged from 800 cals- 1400cals depending how I was feeling on the day. But everyday I try to keep it at 1000.

My workouts- i exercise every day, twice a day for 30 mins. I start my day with a fast paced 30 min walk outside pushing my baby in the trike and after dinner I do 30 mins on the exercise bike.

No side effects! Sometimes it takes me a while to fall asleep but it always has for me. at the start I would get dry mouth but don't notice it anymore. Strong appetite suppressant effect, no real burst of energy effect though but I don't mind. Exercise wasn't my problem, eating was :)

I'm so excited to see my results for the next few weeks, wish me luck!!
Wow! Great result, Kendallsmummy! :laughing:

I'm impressed! It is always a pleasure to see how our ladies reach their goal and lose weight! Especially with no side effects. Keep going.
Wow!!! Well done!!! 5.5kg in 1 week is just amazing!!!!
IWantToBeHappy said:
Wow!!! Well done!!! 5.5kg in 1 week is just amazing!!!!
Thank you!!! :laughing: how are you going??
Feeling really despondent this week. We went out for Valentines Day Dinner on Sunday. We went to our favourite Thai restaurant. I had Chicken Pad Thai. I knew when I ordered it that it wasn't the right thing to order, but I hadn't had anything bad for 6 weeks so I thought it's ok once in a blue moon. Anyway the next morning I had put on 800Grams. I was so upset. I've spent the rest of the week trying to loss that 800grams. My weekly weigh in is tomorrow and I guess I'm just so upset because I feel like I have done so well the previous 6 weeks and now I have gone and wasted a week. Had my little vent and little cry. :(
IWantToBeHappy said:
Feeling really despondent this week. We went out for Valentines Day Dinner on Sunday. We went to our favourite Thai restaurant. I had Chicken Pad Thai. I knew when I ordered it that it wasn't the right thing to order, but I hadn't had anything bad for 6 weeks so I thought it's ok once in a blue moon. Anyway the next morning I had put on 800Grams. I was so upset. I've spent the rest of the week trying to loss that 800grams. My weekly weigh in is tomorrow and I guess I'm just so upset because I feel like I have done so well the previous 6 weeks and now I have gone and wasted a week. Had my little vent and little cry. :(
Aw noooo! You sound like me when I ate Chinese :( don't be discouraged!! It's only 800g and probably just fluid retention from extra salt. I'm sure you would have lost that plus more tomorrow for your weigh in!!
On Monday I weighed 75.5 and I had a really strict day with my diet but I skipped my night time workout. The next day I exercised properly but I ate peanut butter, bread and spaghetti bolognase even though it was the night before weigh in! I was so depressed thinking I would of gained, but I was exactly 2kgs lighter then I was 2 days before.
So you never know!! Let me know how you go tomorrow and stay positive :)
Thanks. I'm just really disappointed with it. I'll see how tomorrow goes.
IWantToBeHappy said:
Thanks. I'm just really disappointed with it. I'll see how tomorrow goes.
How did you go?
Kendallsmummy said:
How did you go?
I wrote more about it in my blog. Only lost 600g. Real upset :(. 9.8kg so far in 7 weeks.
I checked out your blog and your results are awesome!! You should be proud :laughing: my goal is to lose 10kgs in 6 weeks but in the past couple of days I've gained 500g for some reason :(:(:(:( I've been eating no more than 1200 calories and I exercise twice a day, every single day!
There's defiantly a calories defecit every day of atleast 500-1000 calories so I should be losing weight everyday it sucks!
I finished my first week of weightloss 3 days ago and had a 5.5kg loss, in 3 days I've gained .5kg and its so frustrating!!! I feel hungry, not bloated and smaller yet I weigh more.

Just going to stick to weighing myself once per week from now on. It used to be SO easy for me to lose weight 3 years ago, but since having a baby my body just holds onto it and won't let me get below a certain weight D:

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