I am on day four of taking 30mg and I have not slept a wink! Yesterday at about 4pm at work I had an overwhelming need to sleep but of course I couldn't. By the time I got home and it was bedtime I was wide awake again! I think I'll take advice from some other members on here at set my alarm for 4am and take it then.
I can't believe, considering my lack of sleep, how much energy I have. I am literally buzzing about everywhere, cleaning, tidying and achieving quite a lot! My son laughed at me yesterday as he had never seen anybody make a coffee in 3.5 seconds before! I am drinking SO much water. I go through at least 3 750ml bottles a day. I have zero appetite but my stomach still growls so that is a weird feeling. I am making sure that I keep my body 'fueled' with three small meals a day even though I'm not hungry. I am also taking a multi vitamin. My way of thinking is that, even though my mind says I don't need the food, my body needs it to function properly. I want this time on Duromine to start healthy eating options so that when I stop taking them I can continue my healthy new lifestyle.
Oh...and another thing...I went to the supermarket the other day and walked down the lollie aisle and didn't even look at them. Wasn't interested in buying even chocolate and I am a terrible sweet tooth. The though made me feel ill. WOW!! That blew me away!
Side effects so far have been: extremely thirsty, dry mouth, sleeplessness, dry eyes (I wear contacts so I will buy some liquid tears to help with that), heavy feeling chest but not too bad and a little short of breath. I get asthma anyway but feel like I need just one extra puffer and then I'm ok. I can handle most of these as I'm zipping about so much I don't notice them much but the sleep deprivation is doing my head in. I was thinking about not taking the tablets this weekend but changed my mind as I read that it does get easier and I didn't want to start back at scratch again. As I mentioned earlier, I will set the alarm for 4am and take one then and see how it goes.
My starting weight was 92kg and I am 5ft 8 in tall (172cm). I want to lose 20kg in total. After just three and a half days I have lost 2.5kg. I haven't had a chance to do any real exercise but I am very active atm haha
I love that this has forced me to drink more water too. Water is essential for weight loss and flushing out toxins and fat etc but I've never really been able to drink much. That has changed now and so I'm happy about that.
I hope everybody gets good results....and sleep!!
Will keep you posted about my progress. Thanks for reading this. I think I might go and clean out some cupboards and rearrange some furniture or something now hahaha