I am only starting out today but used Duromine 30 odd years ago and managed to lose 20kg easily back then. I was under a weight loss specialist who I saw fortnightly, he always said to me take your pill, drink plenty of fluids and always eat with your two feet flat on the floor under the table.
I will heed that advice even now because it helped and it worked. I never sit down to eat; either eat on the run or in front of the tele. Not good.
I too have suffered depression and anxiety but believe being overweight has exacerbated it even more. I have problems with my thyroid as well and have noticed nothing I do works to lose the kilos. I have bursitis in my hips and have had for two years; have had several cortisone shots in both, as well as tried a range of other treatments without success and again believe the extra weight add to the problem. It also hinders me from exercising because I lame up for weeks afterwards.
So you go girl...good luck, hope you drop the kilos and feel better for it...all round.
Hi guys!!
I'm new to here, started taking duromine 50mg yesterday.. I've never had a tiny build, but over the last two years have let myself go! due to personal experiences, and depression, eating my feelings and pretty much just my own laziness inow weigh 115kgs and im only 21.. ive often been embarassed, and when i was younger i used to enjoy shopping etc but now trying to find clothes in my size is just upsetting... whenever anyone i know talks about their weight issues i just go silent, or change the subject, safe to say its a touchy subject. i have started walking 6ks every afternoon, and with this duromine i hope it helps kick me on my journey to being a heathy size. my aim is not to be ''skinny'' but to be healthy! Does anyone have any tips?:) Ive changed my diet and now try as best i as i can to eat healthy! i look forward to being able to share my journey on here, and hopefully gain more confidence as well! :)
Stay this motivated and the results will speak for itself!
Good Luck on your journey!
Hey guys, so as of today I have been on duromine for one week. Today I woke up awfully tired, and felt sick in the stomach all day, like I need to vomit..
Has anyone else had this happen? Is it a normal side effect, and will it pass? and should I go back to the drs? Thanks all! A little unsure as this is my first time being on Duromine..
stokesy said:
Hey guys, so as of today I have been on duromine for one week. Today I woke up awfully tired, and felt sick in the stomach all day, like I need to vomit..
Has anyone else had this happen? Is it a normal side effect, and will it pass? and should I go back to the drs? Thanks all! A little unsure as this is my first time being on Duromine..
Just take the 30mg and your be fine.
the 1st time you take you will feel a rush that last for 2mins then its down hill from there
stokesy said:
Hey guys, so as of today I have been on duromine for one week. Today I woke up awfully tired, and felt sick in the stomach all day, like I need to vomit..
Has anyone else had this happen? Is it a normal side effect, and will it pass? and should I go back to the drs? Thanks all! A little unsure as this is my first time being on Duromine..
It's hard to tell since we do not know your diet plan. I heard so many times that people start the pills and eat literally nothing but water in the first few days((( So, reason #1 you should eat properly. That is my suggestion. Other than that, the lack of sleep (poor sleep) can give you such effect as nausea and tiredness. Happend to me. So, like I said, it is hard to tell like this.
Hi Kate, I've been strictly sticking to my diet plan that I did up with my dr, so I don't think its my diet, and I've made sure I've remembered to eat, only time I varied from it was tonight, as I still feel sick to the stomach so I just had a berrie smoothie for dinner.. & Apart from the first night, I've been in bed before 11pm everynight, so I don't think its my sleep deprivation?? I haven't had any issues up until today, any other ideas?
Hm... Maybe you took the pill on an empty stomach and it reacted that way? I don't know about you, but my stomach doesn't like when I put there any pill without at least a small amount of food. Or, maybe you had a late dinner that night so you felt this way in the morning... I noticed such effect on me - if I had dinner after 8 p.m. I then felt nauseous in the morning. I know I say obvious things, but I have no other explanation, sorry :oops:
Your right kate

If you eat anything after 8 like kate said
you will like shit....aslong as you have a big breakfast medium lunch and small dinner you with be fine on the morning.


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Wow, I must be an anomaly -- I feel awful if I start eating early in the day, but feel much better throughout the week if I move my meals to a later time than most people prefer. Goes to show everyone's different huh?

Hope you find a solution soon @stokesy and feel better!
I've always taken Duromine on an empty stomach (at about 5.30am) and not eaten until about 8am with no nausea. The only time I ever had nausea was when I took a multivitamin before eating and I started to feel ill almost immediately, dry retching and all.
Without knowing all the variables of your situation it's hard to pinpoint Duromine as the source of your nausea. If it continues for more than a couple of days I'd stop the D and see what happens, otherwise talk to your Doc if it continues.
Hi need help.
Told by doctor that I can not take duromieo one due to taking sodium valproate for bipolar. I have been taking 1200mg for over 11 years and have put on approx 25kilos. Eating carbs cannot get enough. I ex cerise ride a bicycle approx 30 kilometres every second day. This excess weight is impacting on my health, knees have had 3 arthosopies
Why is my GP advising me not to take duromine.
Any assistance in this matter would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks
Hi, the doctor knows best. Because Duromine is a medicine, not just a dietary supplement, so it can interact with certain medications. You don't want side effects, do you?
Just received my package.
Hi there I am a 38 year old woman and I need to lose approx 15kilo ASAP!

I have type 2 diabetes and the beginnings of an under active thyroid, I am 169cm and currently weigh 79.5 kilo. Really want to get down to 64 kilo.

Took my first 30mg pill at 5am this morning and had an ok day, felt a little spaced out but ok. I wouldn't say I had no appetite but certainly didn't eat a lot.

There is so much negative comments and I don't want to focus on those, can you share your successes to keep my motivation up!

Nice to meet you all,
Hi All

Im 48, 165cm and weighing in at 85.5kg. May not sound like much but I worked hard back in 2009/10/11 to loose 25kg going from 95kg down to 70kg which I maintained for quite some time. I had a hysterectomy back in Feb 2013 and since then have gradually put back on 15kg :(

Although just before my op, my marriage decintergrated, so have been seperated now for just over 2yrs. Don't get me wrong this probably has something to do with the weight gain but I think because of the op its played havoc with my hormones :(. The marriage breakdown was the best thing to happen lol only down side is the weight gain :(. After loosing all the weight I cleaned out the wardrobe and replaced so much of my clothes and now I have the issue of having to buy bigger sizes. The big push to go to the doctor to get Duromine was that I had to buy a new pair of jeans and I nearly cried when I had to get a size 14. Might sound over dramatic but I had gotten down to a comfortable size 10/12 depending on the brand of clothing. So to have to get a size 14 it crushed me.

My doctor perscribed Duromine 15mg, now on day 2. The only thing i've noticed is that im not craving food and eating for the sake of eating. I had a good nites sleep on the first nite, haven't noticed any other issues thus far. I will weight myself end of next week to see if there has been any weightloss, i've got everything crossed in the hope i have. I'm off on holidays in just over 2 weeks so im hoping to look a little bit better and more self confident in the bathers than what I am at the moment.

Keep you all posted! :)
Hello, newbie! Welcome on board;)

Sounds like you feel great and I wish you success! A little bit of exercises will help to drop the weight faster.
Good luck!
Thanx Kate, luckily I have 3 poochies that need walking. I found walking really helped loose the weight last time :) I was a bit naughty last nite as it was footy nite and I had a coke zero :( only cause I was cheering and screaming so much lol that water wasn't helping...
So far I've had 2 goods nites sleep, I suppose the only thing I have noticed is the dry mouth and definitely not wanting to eat all day or for the sake of eating!. But trying to drinks lots of water, down side is I tend to pee 10 times more hahaha
I couldn't help but weight myself this morning, scales on Wednesday said 85.5kg - scales this morning said 83.2kg :) :) but Im guessing that would mostly be fluid that I've lost. But a loss is a loss....so bring on next Wednesday for another weigh in :) :)
I have everything crossed that come the 24th when I'm due to fly out on holdiay that I've lost at least 5kg or more..
woo hoo... 4.2kgs gone since last Thursday 9th April :) just a tad happy with that, if i keep going this way i might be close to loosing about 8kg before i go on holiday to Bali on Friday 24th April :):):):cool:

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