Miss_samy said:
Hi everyone!
I have just started with the duromine journey, I started on Sunday to be exact.
I would like to introduce myself and love to know about other people’s experiences with duromine.
So my background story is that I have gained a lot of weight in the last 2 years. My doctor has warned me about type 2 diabetes so this year I have decided to do something about it. My doctor thought I would be the perfect candidate for duromine. I’ll be completely honest with you all, I was on the fence about the whole idea but decided to give it a go. I have known a few girls who have been on it and some love it and some hate it but It’s worth giving it a try.
So I am currently on my 3rd day and I’m experiencing some side effects. I haven’t slept well for the last few days. I literally wake up every hour. I also have experienced the dry mouth. The worst side affect is the nausea and light headed. I find I get it during the day around about 1-3pm. I currently work in a call centre so would it be me not being as active as I would like to be? Or would i not be eating enough?
I have small meals as I’m not hungry. And usually eat 3 times a day (breaky, lunch and dinner)
I love the results that I have lost 1.3 in 2 days and I really want to give this ago. I love to know any tips that you might have?

Thanks :)
Dry mouth is my main issue... even a month on.
I’ve dropped over 9kgs from changing what I eat and being more active. I’ve cut refined sugars, grains, only drink water and the occasional coffee. I’ve found if you’re willing to put in the work you’ll see results. What I ate in one big meal is what I eat in a day now.

I also keep a food diary and track what I eat.

Good luck :)
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Just a quick progress update! 3rd week in and very happy with the results.

Original weight - 79.6kg
After 1 week - 74.6kg (5kg loss)
After 2 weeks - 73.8kg (0.8kg loss)
After 3 weeks - 72.2kg (1.6kg loss)

Total weight loss so far = 7.4kg

Hope everyone else is going well too :)
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Miss_samy said:
Hi Dallas Mitchell
I know how you feel! I think I may of only got 4 hours sleep last night. I wake up nearly every hour. I love my sleep too so this is definitely a big change for me.
I am the same with the food. I used to be able to eat massive meals and graze all day. Now after taking duromine I feel like I have to force to eat. I think that’s what is causing my nausea.
Please keep in touch and let me know how you are going :) good luck
Hi Miss Samy,
Lastnight I had an awesome sleep and am feeling so much better today, I really needed that, I must be getting use to the pill, I do take it at about 4:45am each morning..
I just love not thinking about food all the time, usually Im dream about what I want to eat and it’s usually bad stuff... and yes I use to eat for the sake of it
Day 4 and zero hunger, it’s awesome.. i found I get a little dizzy when standing up sometimes, i try to sip water often and when I do eat something it’s healthy.. good luck
Hi and good job on your first 1kg. I

Hi Dallas we have similar proportions. I started on 68 kg and I'm 161 cm so we're not obese just slightly over weight..... What was your reason for going on duromine. Ps good job with your one kilo
Hi and thanks,
I’m 68kg now so I’m down 2 kilos with 8 to go.
I started duromine because after having my son 12 months ago I’ve not been able to lose my last 10kg, I gained 25kg so I dropped 15 but my weight plateaued and I needed help. Also I have a sugar addiction so I’m using this 30days (my doctor would only give me one month prescription) to eat healthy and hopefully try and quit the sugar is what I really wanna do too.
How about you?
Dallas Mitchell said:
Hi and thanks,
I’m 68kg now so I’m down 2 kilos with 8 to go.
I started duromine because after having my son 12 months ago I’ve not been able to lose my last 10kg, I gained 25kg so I dropped 15 but my weight plateaued and I needed help. Also I have a sugar addiction so I’m using this 30days (my doctor would only give me one month prescription) to eat healthy and hopefully try and quit the sugar is what I really wanna do too.
How about you?
I feel you there. I my partner is a body builder and he eats like 5-8 times a day. Or very clean. So obviously I picked up that habit. Let's just say I was addicted to food period. I was always training quite well so it wasnt really and issue but we moved house changed routine and since May of last year I just blew up. A couple of weeks back a family friend said I Was getting fat and that's when the penny dropped. Lol weighed in at 63.6 kg last night so like 8 kilos left.
I feel you there. I my partner is a body builder and he eats like 5-8 times a day. Or very clean. So obviously I picked up that habit. Let's just say I was addicted to food period. I was always training quite well so it wasnt really and issue but we moved house changed routine and since May of last year I just blew up. A couple of weeks back a family friend said I Was getting fat and that's when the penny dropped. Lol weighed in at 63.6 kg last night so like 8 kilos left.
Your lucky your partner eats clean it’s a big help, my husband is the opposite so it’s not much help to me. I enjoy exercising too, but you can’t exercise out a bad diet. You’ve dropped 4.4kg that’s great, how long did it take? and is your goal weight 55kg? My goal weight is 60. I’m confident it won’t take long at all, but keeping it off is the hardest part!
Dallas Mitchell said:
Your lucky your partner eats clean it’s a big help, my husband is the opposite so it’s not much help to me. I enjoy exercising too, but you can’t exercise out a bad diet. You’ve dropped 4.4kg that’s great, how long did it take? and is your goal weight 55kg? My goal weight is 60. I’m confident it won’t take long at all, but keeping it off is the hardest part!
My apologies I meant to say not very Clean. He eats what ever he wants and then I followed suit..... Needless to say he is almost 2 m tall. So he can eat like that. Made eating clean for me very hard. But now I'm back on track. I've been eating g clean for 3 weeks and on duromine for just over 2 weeks.
My apologies I meant to say not very Clean. He eats what ever he wants and then I followed suit..... Needless to say he is almost 2 m tall. So he can eat like that. Made eating clean for me very hard. But now I'm back on track. I've been eating g clean for 3 weeks and on duromine for just over 2 weeks.
It’s soo hard when they’re eating whatever isn’t it? I just started duromine on Monday, and look forward to when my 30 days are up and seeing my results, and fitting into my clothes again. I see some people have some horrible side effects, so glad I’ve taken well to it, apart from the lack of sleep first two nights
You have done amazingly well in your 3 weeks!

Go you! 7.4kg is fantastic! :)
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Dallas Mitchell said:
It’s soo hard when they’re eating whatever isn’t it? I just started duromine on Monday, and look forward to when my 30 days are up and seeing my results, and fitting into my clothes again. I see some people have some horrible side effects, so glad I’ve taken well to it, apart from the lack of sleep first two nights
I never really had any side effects I'd fall asleep but not stay asleep and then the dry mouth is still there.
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Lottie86 said:
Dry mouth is my main issue... even a month on.
I’ve dropped over 9kgs from changing what I eat and being more active. I’ve cut refined sugars, grains, only drink water and the occasional coffee. I’ve found if you’re willing to put in the work you’ll see results. What I ate in one big meal is what I eat in a day now.

I also keep a food diary and track what I eat.

Good luck :)
We don’t need half of the food we eat, we’re eating with our eyes and not listening to our tummy’s wow 9kg that’s awesome!
The sugars is what does it for me too, it’s worse than fat, I’m trying to cut sugar too
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Dallas Mitchell said:
We don’t need half of the food we eat, we’re eating with our eyes and not listening to our tummy’s wow 9kg that’s awesome!
The sugars is what does it for me too, it’s worse than fat, I’m trying to cut sugar too
Cutting sugar makes a big difference. Bloated tummy is almost completely flat.
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I finally had a great sleep last night! I ended up missing a tablet yesterday and slept completely through. I usually wake up on the hour each hour.
I just did my first weigh in. I am up to day 5 and already have lost 2.7kgs! I’m so happy! I’m hoping that the sleep gets better from now on :)
Thats so great both on the sleep and also on your loss!

Congrats :)
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Thanks Rava! Sorry I haven't checked back in a few weeks.

Just another update! Officially 10.8kg down and have never been happier! My weight loss breakdown follows -

Original weight - 79.6kg 26th April
After 1 week - 74.6kg (5.0kg loss) 3rd May
After 2 weeks - 73.8kg (0.8kg loss) 10th May
After 3 weeks - 72.2kg (1.6kg loss) 17th May
After 4 weeks - 70.8kg (1.4kg loss) 24th May
After 5 weeks - 68.8kg (2.0kg loss) 31st May

It's definitely not been the easiest thing to do but I would not change it one bit! Still have a long way to go to reach my goal, but getting under 70kg was my first milestone so I was over the moon to see today's results.

All the best everyone!
Wow! What a huge progress! Congrats on your amazing results and getting under 70. May the rest of your journey be as successful as it has been so far!
Newbie here, a mother of two, ever since I had my second child via C.section I never went back to my normal body weight. I had a floppy jelly belly. I somehow neglected myself, only focusing on work and family. I was always about 65-70 kg, I gained a lot and only realize that it was time to do something. I went back to the gym in March, changed my diet here and there. My weight was 103 kg, the pace was too little , spoke to my Dr. He prescribed 30mg duromine.

Will be starting on Monday. Tomorrow is my husband's Birthday.

Wish me luck
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Hey how are you getting on?

Must be day number 4? Hope everything is going well :)
Hello Rava. I feel great. The only side effect is insomnia. I am also using my fitness pal to track my calorie and nutrients intake.
However I got tempted and stepped into the scale.

The scale reveals that I am doing well.

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