Water Retention?

Hi there :) ,
Don't be discouraged! It's just a hiccup, duromine works it's best if you still eat during it!!! Otherwise you're starting by going anorexic and will gain weight instantly when stopping or half way through! My dr made me promise I would still keep eating even when I don't feel like it, and excersize otherwise I'll put it all back on. I have to force myself to eat . I had some fluid retention the less I ate so drink heaps of water and force your meals if you have to just eat healthy and light :) also my key saving grace for that is clippers dandelion tea ... I once lost 2kg overnight of just fluid, dandelion tea is the natural fluid retention option dancers and body builders use, make sure u drink heaps of water when taking it . I hope that helps:) weird taste I found came from not eating enough,
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Hello Tara

Thank you so much for your reply - it means alot to me to read that others have experienced the same. I was actually eating more during the first 4 days and then decided I'd eat much less to see if I could lose even more weight faster - had the opposite result. :( I put on weight and have heaps of fluid retention. So yesterday and today i have eaten more (always healthy choices) and I have bought and started drinking dandelion tea! Thanks for the tip! I actually weigh myself every single morning - despite my Dr telling me not to - I cannot help myself, I have to monitor myself every single day. So now I am looking forward to peeing much more :laughing: and weighing in lighter tomorrow!

TNX AB (Aries Blonde)
Catharina said:
Hey everybody.. i know this fluid retention as well..sucks really.. but its only in the beggining you have to give some days to settle down. i had it in the first 2 weeks almost now tha last 5 days duromine works sooo good ,and no retention... i do have occasional bloating from indigestion of food,but i have to find a way to make it away as well.. maybe smaller meals regular.if anybody has experience with bloating pls let me know :)
Hi Catharine, and everyone!!! For the bloating, I take 3 vitamin C a day.. I have Fibromyalgia and IBS goes hand in hand with that.. I'm often backed up or the opposite.. The vitamin C seems to be working a lot better than anything else I've tried..

I just put in a search in a google, 'Duromine swollen ankles' and came across this... Phew!! I can tell you all, I'm very relieved to see it's a pretty common side effect.. I have always drank 5 or 6 litres of water a day, that hasn't changed in the 3 days I've been on this, 30mg, but my God, are my legs and ankles huge!!! I'm 173cm 95kg, 44 years old..

I'm going to have a green tea, I think..

I guess I just wanted to thank you all for sharing.. it has put my mind at ease.. I've had MRSA in the past and it was the first thing I thought of when I took my socks off (a form of Golden Staph)..

I hope everyone's travelling well and getting those results!!! Good luck to us all!!! Cheers!!!
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I'm a first time duro user and I'm in day 4 (30mg) I haven't had any major side effects and I can feel my skin being loosed already :blush: However I have been getting a lot of fluid in my feet and they are swollen. Has anyone else experienced this?
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Ronalia said:
I'm a first time duro user and I'm in day 4 (30mg) I haven't had any major side effects and I can feel my skin being loosed already :blush: However I have been getting a lot of fluid in my feet and they are swollen. Has anyone else experienced this?
I've experiencing much the same. I've increased my water intake today too.
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Sallybo said:
I've experiencing much the same. I've increased my water intake today too.
That could be a reason why actually because our bodies aren't used to having so much water. Glad I'm not the only one. :)
Ronalia said:
That could be a reason why actually because our bodies aren't used to having so much water. Glad I'm not the only one. :)
I'm not a big water drinker at all so this is a big jump. You?
Sallybo said:
I'm not a big water drinker at all so this is a big jump. You?
Yeah I'm the same used to drink next to none :)
Ronalia said:
Yeah I'm the same used to drink next to none :)
Hoping that it will level out for us in coming days :blush:
The symptoms of an adverse reaction can also include swollen ankles and feet. The side effects usually pass with time. So, I'd recommend you to give Duromine a chance. :sun: By the end of the first 7-10 days, everything should be ok. If not, you'd better consult your doctor.

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